

When autumn comes around, the air begins to dry, leaves fall ;we reflect on time passing, things changing, we let go of what we no longer need.

The capacity (or not) to eliminate and let go is closely associated with the metal element in Chinese medical theory ; holding on to things, stifling grief, and a lack of ability to turn towards new opportunities have a negative effect on this element in our bodies, potentially adversely affecting the lung and large intestine meridians and their associated functions.

Typical dis-ease associated with these meridians include frequent colds, asthma, allergies, and as the lung meridian rules the skin such disorders as rashes, excessive sweating, eczema are also possible; dysfunctions of the large intestine meridian include chronic constipation, diarrhea and other bowel disorders.

Metal element in our lives and bodies is like an interface of exchange with the world around us. If it’s functioning well we feel clear and present, we are able to make clear boundaries, and let go easily and gracefully when needed. We neither cling to our possessions and relationships, nor  do we lose them too easily and readily.

This capacity for exchange and energetic clarity impart a vitality to the life force in our bodies, and lays a firm foundation for the immune system. The capacity for oxygenisation from a clear functioning respiratory system is a great boon to the immune system.

Deepening the capacity of the breath and eating slightly more pungent foods (the flavour associated with the autumn) such as onions, garlic, ginger, shallots and mild chillis, help us release the misty fogginess of grief and suppressed emotion.

Practicing  yoga at this time of the year, it’s a good time to put a gentle emphasis on chest-opening and gentle backbending postures that release the respiratory system and encourage us to engage more deeply with the world around us through the breath.

The « Resistance » workshop on Saturday 6th October from 2pm – 5.30pm addresses the functioning of the metal element in our lives through shiatsu and yoga. We experience the placement of these meridians in the body through basic shiatsu techniques and look at pressure points that can help alleviate seasonal illnesses. We will practice agentle, accessible yoga sequence aimed to tonify and balance the lung and large intestine meridians.

Call Louisa on 0610 89 76 04 or email for further information or to make a reservation.


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