Godfrey Devereux at Red Earth Centre – A Modern Yoga Master in Paris January 18 – 20 2019
Red Earth Centre Paris is delighted to present a weekend workshop with the renowned yoga teacher Godfrey Devereux, founder of the Dynamic Yoga Training Method, the 18 – 20 January 2019.
Godfrey is one of the most experienced and respected yoga teachers in the world today, his Dynamic Yoga Training Method known for its integrity and simple yet profound intelligence . A free and provocative thinker, if you’re not familiar with the Dynamic Yoga Training Method, I suggest visiting www.dynamicyoga.com , reading further on this site, or consulting his videos on Youtube. Here is a brief bio :
“Godfrey’s pioneering journey into the roots of human experience is grounded in a lifetime of yoga practice on mat and cushion that began when he was 16 years old. Fertilised by professional training in Child Development and Education, Oriental Medicine, and dedicated study with masters of Zen, Advaita and Tantra as well as Indian Yoga Gurus, Godfrey’s practice has brought him to a deep, lucid intimacy with the subtleties of being human within which its apparent paradoxes are all heart-warmingly resolved. His teaching will invite you to the same.
Unintimidated by the ideologies and hierarchies of tradition, Godfrey has been able to cast clear light not only on the subtleties of yoga practice, but also on the nature of the body-mind ‘relationship’ and the significance of human consciousness. This has allowed him to firmly establish yoga practice and theory in the wisdom of life itself, while grounding its expression in the language of everyday life.
Godfrey’s teaching has a deep grounding in the Yogasutras of Patanjali and invites you to contextualise the sense of separateness within the deeper experiential perspectives of connectedness, interconnectedness, non-separateness and emptiness (or wholeness). This invitation is extended somatically on the basis of direct, immediate experience without any need for external authority or ideological dogma. In being accepted it allows you to feel a deep intimacy with and trust in life just as it is without needing to deny the presence or power of any element of your personal experience.
To ensure the teaching quality, places are strictly limited. So please don’t hesitate to register by email redearthcentre@gmail.com, or tel 06 10 89 76 04
Pour assurer la qualité de l’enseignement, les places sont strictement limités et on a déjà plusieurs inscriptions. Donc n’hesitez pas à s’inscrire ici ou via courriel redearthcentre@gmail.com, ou en appellant 06 10 89 76 04
The workshop is given in English with summary translation if necessary.
Class times :
Friday 18 January 2019 (€40). :
18H30 – 20H30 Pranayama : Ujayi Breathing – what is it really?
Saturday 19 January (100€). :
10H – 13H trikonasana unveiled
14H30 – 17H30 bandhas
Sunday 20 January (100€) :
10H – 13H backbends
14H30 – 17H30 pranayama
(all five sessions €210)
I take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and healthy 2019.
A bientôt au Red Earth Centre
Cours de Dynamic Yoga à Massy / Verrières-Le-Buisson
Bonjour à tous,
Un petit mot pour vous dire que je vais commencer mon deuxième cycle de cours de yoga à Verrières-Le-Buisson/Massy à partir de mi mai. C’est un cycle de 5 cours hebdomadaires consécutifs chaque mercredi matin de 9H30 à 11h. Ce deuxième module aura lieu les mercredis 16, 23, 30 mai et 6 et 13 juin (5 cours tarif 75€) : “Éveiller la Colonne Vertébrale “.
Je propose des postures et des mouvements accessibles à tous, qui invitent à la conscience et à l’expression de l’intelligence innée du corps humain. Les instructions sont précises et progressives. Les cours sont ouverts à tout le monde (sauf en cas de d’importantes difficultés de mouvement, où des cours particuliers sont recommandés). N’hésitez pas de me contacter si vous avez des questions ou si vous voulez vous inscrire. Si vous souhaitez en connaître plus sur moi, ou sur la Méthode Pédagogique Dynamic Yoga, merci de consulter les autres rubriques sur ce site.
Lunchtime yoga at the Red Earth Centre
Every day, from Monday to Friday 12:15 to 13:15, come enjoy an hour of soft and sensitive yoga. Come relax and recharge your batteries for the afternoon !
Monday: Soft Vinyasa with Christina
Tuesday: Dynamic Yoga with Sergio
Wednesday: Dynamic Yoga with Miranda
Thursday: Hatha Yoga with Dinusha
Friday: Dynamic Yoga with Louisa
1 class 10 €
10 classes card, valid 3 months 80 €
One month unlimited 70 € (best option if you’d like to come several times a week!)
information: redearthcentre@gmail.com
Dynamic Yoga Retreat in Bali with Louisa Raszyk, 16-21st April 2016
Dear students and friends,
I hope this email/post finds you well and enjoying the cosy Parisian winter. I am still in Australia and will be back in Paris this June.
AtI have just visited the magical island of Bali, researching remote, authentic yoga retreat centres to find the perfect place to offer retreats to my Australian and European students (well, it’s not quite halfway, but it’s the best option I could think of!). I am happy to say that I have found the perfect retreat centre with a wonderful, professional staff, in the secluded north of the island, far from any touristed areas. Tejakula and Singaraja are some of the oldest spiritual centres on the island, and the beautiful deep Balinese spiritual energy is alive and well here. I will be holding the retreat from 16th -21st April, 2016, and if you wish to arrive earlier or stay longer, this can be arranged.
Villa Boreh is a very beautiful and special place that was built 15 years ago specifically to hold yoga retreats. The perfectly kept Balinese bungalow accomodations are woven seamlessly though leafy tropical gardens and small temple spaces, swimming pools and rest areas, cool quiet spa rooms, open air bathrooms nestled in tropical gardens, and all of this right on the ocean’s edge. It really is an exceptional place that has been constructed according to geobiology under the instruction of local priest and shamans using mostly Balinese architecture and materials. It is intimate and traditional, but still quietly and unobtrusively offers all the conveniences of a quality resort.
I propose a six day, five night retreat, offering six meditation, pranayama and asana classes in the mornings, and six late afternoon meditation and restorative, nourishing classes. You will have afternoon time free to simply relax, doze, read a book, do more yoga! Or explore, making the most of optional activities available: onsite spa treatments, visits to waterfalls, temples, the local healer, cultural tours with knowledgable and bilingual guides, scuba diving, sunrise dolphin excursion, etc. I have purposefully chosen a venue that is very remote – there are no distractions, no nearby town and tourist attractions, so that the particiapnts are invited to enjoy the experience of a true yoga retreat.
The first class will be the evening of your arrival, the last will be the morning of your departure. If you don’t know about me, please see the website of my Parisian studio, the Red Earth Centre, which I founded in 2003 www.redearthcentre.com. I am a Senior Dynamic Yoga teacher and shiatsu practitioner with 20 years’ teaching experience. The yoga I teach is based on self-inquiry and uses safe, accessible movements and shapes to allow the mind to soften and merge with a deeper consciousness. In doing so, we naturally become more intimate with life, more open to the present moment, and more present and open to those around us. The classes are appropriate for all people who do not have major injuries, illnesses or disabilities, in which case personal instruction is recommended.
The retreat will cost €1050 (AUS$1600) and this includes:
- transfers
- 12 yoga, meditation and postural classes (30 hours)
- all meals – delicious, healthy and prepared using Villa Boreh’s own organic garden produce
- beautiful shared accommodation (single accommodation available at an extra cost according to availability)
- use of the entire grounds including three pools
- fully serviced rooms with organic onsite spa products provided
- access to the custom built yoga shala and equipment at any time
- use of sea kayaks and snorkelling equipment
There are also optional activities which you may choose – onsite spa treatments, tours taking you to waterfalls, temples, the local healer, cultural tours with knowledgable and bilingual guides, scuba diving, sunrise dolphin excursion, etc.
I would love to see you there and to spend time doing yoga in this beautiful place.
Email me redearthcentre@yahoo.com if you are interested and would like to register.
With love
Workshop “Empty hand massage” February 28th – 10am to 6pm
Empty hand massage
with Mac McEvoy
Sunday February 28th – 10am to 6pm
Would you like to:
Learn how to communicate more deeply with your partner or friends?
Learn a skill that complements your yoga practice?
Just have fun for a day?
Empty Hand Massage Training Sunday 28th February Red Earth Centre
Most massage seeks to do or change something. This is different. It is about simply being with another person, communicating through meditative touch. ‘Empty Hand’ means touching with no intention. In this course we will explore how to deepen that touch, to begin to explore the mystery of another person’s feeling. Feeling not separate, feeling connected, feeling whole.
Mutual trust and respect are fundamental to being able to give and receive an impersonally loving touch. This course is not sexual or in any way intrusive or exposing. The emphasis is on gentleness and warmth, celebrating openness but cultivating sensitivity.
On this one day course you will learn how to give a simple, but complete and satisfying, whole body massage. Everyone will receive a certificate and a detailed set of notes.
About Mac
My interest in massage has developed over the last twenty years together with that in yoga and meditation. They seem to fit naturally together. I have studied a wide variety of forms, from Swedish massage through Thai and Ayervedic techniques.
My main influence recently has been Ma Sagarpriya DeLong with whom I have studied intensively for several years. Ma Sagarpriya is a world-renowned master of intuitive massage and the author of several books on the subject. She confirmed for me the notion that massage works best when not attempting to do or fix anything but rather as a profound form of joint meditation through touch, a celebration of being.
Tarif: 80 € (before February 1st)/ 90€ (after February 1st)
Registration open, places limited
Contact: redearthcentre@gmail.com
07 82 92 45 97
from Australia to you…
I am back from a wonderful stay in Australia, I just love that place! I spent many beautiful moments practicing yoga on the beach and in the full nature that only an isolated Australian place can offer. I feel completely inspired and resourced, and impatient to see my students again!
My maternity leave drawing to a close, and I will be back to my yoga and shiatsu schedule from Monday September 2nd. The centre, as every year, is closed throughout the month of August and classes recommence from the beginning of September, with new classes and workshops. Enjoy the rest of the summer, and see you soon!
Yoga and Shiatsu for Spring – Energy and Inspiration!
Spring is coming ! Are you feeling inspired about life ? Excited ? Do you feel like breaking out of old ruts, starting new projects and embarking on new adventures ?
All of these feelings are, according to Chinese medicine, related to the spring element of wood, and the liver and gall bladder meridians.
Nourish your need for change, your inspiration and your enthusiasm for life with a spring detox and inspire workshop. We will explore the enormous potential of spring energy in our bodies with yoga and shiatsu techniques specifically developed for nourishing the liver and gall bladder ; shaking off the old winter energy and opening up to the new year ahead smoothly and effectively !
With Louisa Raszyk, shiatsu and yoga practitioner with over 20 years’ experience, and founder of Red Earth Centre.
Saturday 13th April 2013, 2pm-5.30pm at Red Earth Centre. 45€.
Contact Louisa Raszyk to reserve your place: 0610897604 / redearthcentre@yahoo.com
When autumn comes around, the air begins to dry, leaves fall ;we reflect on time passing, things changing, we let go of what we no longer need.
The capacity (or not) to eliminate and let go is closely associated with the metal element in Chinese medical theory ; holding on to things, stifling grief, and a lack of ability to turn towards new opportunities have a negative effect on this element in our bodies, potentially adversely affecting the lung and large intestine meridians and their associated functions.
Typical dis-ease associated with these meridians include frequent colds, asthma, allergies, and as the lung meridian rules the skin such disorders as rashes, excessive sweating, eczema are also possible; dysfunctions of the large intestine meridian include chronic constipation, diarrhea and other bowel disorders.
Metal element in our lives and bodies is like an interface of exchange with the world around us. If it’s functioning well we feel clear and present, we are able to make clear boundaries, and let go easily and gracefully when needed. We neither cling to our possessions and relationships, nor do we lose them too easily and readily.
This capacity for exchange and energetic clarity impart a vitality to the life force in our bodies, and lays a firm foundation for the immune system. The capacity for oxygenisation from a clear functioning respiratory system is a great boon to the immune system.
Deepening the capacity of the breath and eating slightly more pungent foods (the flavour associated with the autumn) such as onions, garlic, ginger, shallots and mild chillis, help us release the misty fogginess of grief and suppressed emotion.
Practicing yoga at this time of the year, it’s a good time to put a gentle emphasis on chest-opening and gentle backbending postures that release the respiratory system and encourage us to engage more deeply with the world around us through the breath.
The « Resistance » workshop on Saturday 6th October from 2pm – 5.30pm addresses the functioning of the metal element in our lives through shiatsu and yoga. We experience the placement of these meridians in the body through basic shiatsu techniques and look at pressure points that can help alleviate seasonal illnesses. We will practice agentle, accessible yoga sequence aimed to tonify and balance the lung and large intestine meridians.
Call Louisa on 0610 89 76 04 or email redearthcentre@yahoo.com for further information or to make a reservation.
Open Day Sun. 30th Sept. 10am – 7pm
Come along, bring your friends, total beginners through to advanced students welcome.
Tea, snacks and interesting people in the courtyard all day!
INFO /RESA : 06 10 89 76 04 / redearthcentre@yahoo.com
Red Earth Centre, 235, rue Lafayette Paris 10
10H Shiatsu (Louisa Raszyk)
11H Yoga Dynamique (Louisa Raszyk)
12H Hatha Yoga (Eric Zaoui)
13H Essences de Fleurs du Bush Australien (Louisa Raszyk)
14H Méditation Zen (Amy Hollowell)
15H Yoga prénatal (Tatiana Abbey)
16H Relaxation pour la Naissance (Elizabeth Echlin)
17H Hatha Yoga (Aloys Berdoll)
18H Yoga Irano (Aloys Berdoll)