Atelier Yoga et Mouvement pour l’Automne
dimanche 20 octobre 2019 13HH30 – 16H
Canal Central
12, rue Lucien Sampaix
Paris 10èmé
tarif €50
Conscience somatique, mouvement intelligent.. les nouveaux frontières de yoga. Avec la commercialisation extrême de yoga, l’importance de la capacité clé de simplement ressentir est perdu dans le déluge des images et information des postures, techniques, séquences etc.
La conscience somatique vous amène au cœur de la pratique de yoga – qu’est-ce qui se passe actuellement dans mon corps?
Louisa travaille depuis 1995 comme thérapeute de shiatsu ainsi que professeur de yoga, donc ses stages sont évolue pendant les derniers 20 ans pour proposer une travaille basé dans les mouvements qui sert à nourrir les meridians lié avec le saison, pour se sentir un lien plus clair avec l’environnent qui nos entour et que nous nourri.
Louisa Raszyk est professeur de yoga et mouvement, et thérapeute de shiatsu. Elle travaille exclusivement dans la domaine de mouvement et mouvement thérapie depuis 25 ans. Elle travaille en individuel et en groupe, en retraite et en ligne, et elle était là fondateur de Red Earth Centre París, centre de recherche psycho corporelle de 2004-2019.
Louisa enseigne les débutants, les professeurs, et les personnes avec besoins spécifiques (maladie, mobilité réduite, traitement lourde etc).
Calendrier Stages 2019
dimanche 10 novembre 13H30 – 16H @ Canal Central, Paris 10
dimanche 8 décembre 13H30 – 16H @Canal Central, Paris 10
September 2019, changes afoot!
In July 2019 , after 15 years, the Red Earth Centre was forced to close its doors at the rue La Fayette studio in Paris, as the landlord wished to end the rental contract. This place was loved by many as a special haven in Paris, I deeply thank all of you who came through its doors over the years. But it is now time for Red Earth Centre to move on to new adventures! Having a lot less administrative work now that the centre is closed, I am very happy to have more time to dedicate to my teaching and shiatsu, and to my ongoing movement and bodymind therapy research and training.
Read on for the new Red Earth Centre programme – classes, new venues, online classes, retreats and workshops starting September 2019.
Individual yoga/movement classes and shiatsu consultations:
Many of my students prefer to work individually, perhaps for health reasons, simple preference, for practical reasons, or for training purposes. I am available for private classes online or at the following addresses, my workplaces where I also offer individual shiatsu consultations.
– in Paris 10 (Tuesday and Thursday @ 39 bvd Magenta Paris 10)
– my garden studio at Verrières Le Buisson (91370) (Monday, Wednesday and Friday).
Online classes :
For those who wish to have individual classes or small group classes and who cannot come to my studio in Paris or Verrières, I offer online classes by Skype or Zoom.
I have been teaching online since 2014, and want to expand this now to respond to the growing need of those who wish to anywhere on the planet! I love technology!
My online studio offers individual classes, ongoing mentoring, or 6 week courses (on a specific theme). All classes are tailored specifically to your needs.
Please email for an appointment ( or call +33 (0)610897604). There will soon be a page on my website where it will be possible book and pay directly for your classes.
Group yoga and movement classes :
Wednesdays 9h15 – 10h15 , Mondays 6.30pm – 7.30pm
venue : Centre Ahimsa
25 rue de Paris
Verrières le Buisson 91370
RER Massy Verrières, Massy, ou Igny
Tarif et reservation :
Monthly Sunday afternoon workshops :
I will also recommence my monthly Sunday afternoon workshops (13H30 – 16H, Canal Central, 12 rue Lucien Sampaix, Paris 10èmé) exploring different yoga and movement themes each month :
Sunday 13th October 2019
Sunday 10th November October 2019
Sunday 8th December 2019
2020 dates to be announced.
Yoga retreat :
Returning just now from my annual retreat in Bali, I am very happy to announce the dates for next year : 10-17 september 2020, bookings now open!
So looking forward to seeing you at the rentrée
Happy August!
Yoga in Bali with Louisa Raszyk 1-6 August 2019

Yoga and Somatic Enquiry Retreat
Bali 1-6 August
with Louisa Raszyk
Enjoy the experience of a real yoga retreat in a truly inspirational and remote setting of breathtaking natural beauty. I have been giving retreats here for the past 5 years and I would love to welcome you to this very special place, so conducive to the deeply sensitizing practice of Dynamic Yoga Training Method and somatic foundation practice.
I am a Senior Dynamic Yoga Method teacher and shiatsu therapist, and have had a daily yoga and meditation practice for 30 years. My career has been dedicated exclusively to bodymind integration, revolving around a core of yoga, dance and shiatsu. In 2004 I founded the Red Earth Centre in Paris (, a unique studio dedicated to bodymind enquiry where I continue to teach and practice Dynamic Yoga, shiatsu and dance.
The Dynamic Yoga Training Method ( is unique in the yoga world. It is a learning methodology (rather than a practice style), based on somatic self-enquiry via a progressive sensitisation of the body. This takes place in the context of a simple, accessible flow of movements – Xandranamaskar and suryanamaskar via xandravinyasa and suryavinyasa – that is broken down into component ullolas (short sequences of two, three or more postures repeated in a cyclical flow synchronised with the natural breath).
The DYTM has evolved from recognising that the human body is an inherently mobile organism that learns through simple, pleasant, repetitive movement; and that it is only by addressing how the body learns and applying it to how the body is taught that we can come fully and easily into the genuine stillness of yoga asana.
Generally it is thought, even subconsciously, that the more complex the posture, the better the yoga practitioner, or that if we do a certain sequence, we will achieve certain results. These notions feed into our already very deeply ingrained notions of competition, strengthening the mind’s fear-based need to control, rather than inviting the body to reveal itself as it is, in all its complexity and multiplicity.
The DYTM proposes something quite different – by inviting the mind to notice and feel the body through accessible, specific and repetitive movements, the mind begins to anchor in, and be lead by, sensation. This is a deep process of somatic trust that has powerful implications for life as we allow ourselves to be guided, sweetly surrendering our ingrained need to control. As this happens, a wonderful flow of deepening conscious awareness takes place.
The retreat is appropriate for all people who do not have major injuries, illnesses or disabilities, in which case personal instruction is recommended.
Villa Boreh is a very beautiful and special place that was built 20 years ago specifically to hold yoga retreats. It is Indonesia’s first fully eco-responsible retreat centre. The perfectly kept Balinese bungalow accomodations are woven seamlessly though leafy tropical gardens and small temple spaces, swimming pools and rest areas, cool quiet spa rooms, open air bathrooms nestled in tropical gardens, and all of this right on the ocean’s edge. It really is an exceptional place that has been constructed according to geobiology under the instruction of local priest and shamans using mostly Balinese architecture and materials. It is intimate and traditional, but still quietly and unobtrusively offers all the conveniences of a quality resort.
The retreat cost is €1000 / AUS$1600 (€930 / AUS$1490 early bird price until June 1st 2019) and includes:
– 10 yoga, meditation and postural classes (25 hours) -every morning and evening
– complimentary Balinese massage in the beautiful spa space
– three meals a day – delicious, healthy and prepared using Villa Boreh’s own organic garden produce
– shared accommodation (single accommodation available at an extra cost according to availability)
– use of the entire grounds including three pools
– fully serviced rooms with organic onsite spa products provided
– access to the custom built yoga shala and equipment at any time
– use of sea kayaks and snorkelling equipment
There are also optional activities which you may choose – onsite spa treatments, tours taking you to waterfalls, temples, the local healer, cultural tours with knowledgable and bilingual guides, scuba diving, sunrise dolphin excursion, etc.
Please note that airport transfers are not included in the price, and can easily be organized by contacting Villa Boreh (or let me know and I will tell them). The first class begins at 5pm on the 1st August 2019, the last class ends at 10am on the 6th August after which there is the final brunch, so you can easily leave Villa Boreh by 11am on the 6th. It takes maximum 3-4 hours to go from Villa Boreh to the airport, about 2 hours to Ubud. The Villa Boreh cars and drivers are excellent, I recommend them.
I would love to see you there and to spend time doing yoga in this beautiful place.
Email me here at if you are interested and would like to register, or at (+33)0(610 897 604)
Immersion Printanière de Yoga et Shiatsu Red Earth Centre

Inspiration et Mouvement vers le Changement
le samedi 23 mars 2019 10H – 12H30 ; 14H30 – 17H
(possibilité de prendre 1, 2, 3 ou 4 cours)
Le printemps arrive! Vous sentez-vous inspirés par la vie? Excités? Sentez-vous l’envie de rompre avec les vielles habitudes, et de commencer de nouvelles aventures? Tous ces sentiments, sont, selon le médicine traditionnelle chinoise, liés avec l’élément printanier du bois, et les méridiens du foie et de la vésicule biliaire. Votre corps vit son printemps à lui !
Nourrissez votre besoin de changement, votre inspiration, votre enthousiasme pour la vie avec une immersion printanière au Red Earth Centre. Nous explorerons le potentiel énorme de l’énergie du printemps dans nos corps avec des techniques de yoga et de shiatsu développées spécifiquement pour nourrir le foie et la vésicule biliaire, se débarrasser de la vieille énergie hivernal et s’ouvrir à l’année qui vient.
Louisa Raszyk a étudié, pratiqué, et enseigné le Yoga et le Shiatsu depuis bientôt 25 ans. Passionnée par la santé et la vitalité, Louisa a dédié sa carrière exclusivement à l’exploration de la liaison corps-esprit depuis 1990. En 2004 elle a ouvert le Red Earth Centre à Paris, un studio unique dédié au bien-être profond, et centré sur le Yoga, le Shiatsu et la danse, reflet de sa trajectoire personnelle.
Participation: 45€ 1 cours, €90 2 cours, €150 4 cours , contactez Louisa pour registration / 0610897604
Dynamic Yoga Workshop with Senior Teacher Louisa Raszyk, Saturday 16 Feb 2019
The Dynamic Yoga Training Method uses simple accessible movements synchronized with the breath to progressively recalibrate the body bringing it gently into its optimal relationship with gravity. It continuously cultivates the students’ ability to feel and is known as one of the only yoga approaches to have a clear pedagogical method to enable this vital capacity.
The Dynamic Yoga workshop I offer on Saturday 16th February 2019 at Red Earth Centre Paris 10, is one of a series of workshops and immersions that I propose throughout 2018/19. Being a shiatsu practitioner, I use the seasons as a guide for postural practice and so this workshop in the thick of winter, will explore through the Dynamic Yoga Method those shapes and movements appropriate for the winter season, and the related meridians of the kidneys and bladder.
The workshop is from 10H – 13H, at a cost of €45. Don’t hesitate to contact me 0610897604 or if you would like further information, or to book. Places are limited in order to preserve quality teaching.
Journée Portes Ouvertes dimanche 23 septembre 10H – 18H
La journée portes ouvertes est de retour ! Venez nombreux célébrer 14 ans au Red Earth Centre ce dimanche avec un programme de cours et de présentations gratuits tout au long de la journée dans les deux salles, du thé et de l’information à volonté dans la cours ! N’oubliez pas d’appeler (0610897604) ou email ( pour le code d’entrée.
Le programme est ci-dessous et toutes les infos sur le site :
Dans la salle de yoga :
10H30 – midi : Dynamic Yoga Training Method. Louisa Raszyk, senior teacher. Des mouvements simples et accessibles à tous, permettant d’encourager et d’éveiller la conscience et l’intelligence innée du corps humain.
midi – 13H: “Chant du Mantra de la Gayatri” Ce mantra est considéré comme le plus ancien. C’est un chant d’appel à l’éveil de la conscience.
13H – 14H : Yoga Community Classavec Linda Sutti
14H – 15H : Dynamic Yoga Training Method. Louisa Raszyk, senior teacher. Des mouvements simples et accessibles à tous, permettant d’encourager et d’éveiller la conscience et l’intelligence innée du corps humain.
15H – 16H : Shiatsu do-in (automassage) comment se masser soi-même – une technique de bien-être quotidien indispensable avec Louisa Raszyk
16H – 17H : Vinyasa Yogaavec Katerina Georgiou
17H – 18H : Hatha Yogaavec Dinusha
PROGRAMME dans la salle à coté ! :
10h : Calcul de votre taux énergétiqueavec Françoise Bossan
11h : Séance de sophrologieavec Anastasia de Elles’Harmoniz
12h : Voyage chamaniqueà la rencontre de l’animal totem qui vous accompagne pour la rentrée avec Françoise Bossan
13h : Confection d’une huile de massageavec des pierres de lithothérapie et huiles essentielles pour le chakra du cœur avec Anastasia et Françoise
14h : Automassageet méditation d’ouverture du chakra du cœur avec Françoise et Anastasia
15h : Connexion au féminin sacréavec Françoise
16h : Massages individuelsde 10 min/personne (au choix pieds/mains/crâne/visage/dos) avec Anastasia
17h : Conférence sur le chamanismeavec Françoise Bossan
Au plaisir de vous retrouver au Red Earth Centre dimanche !
September 2018!
I am writing on my return to Paris after a wonderful summer teaching in Bali and Australia, and holidaying in France. I hope you are all feeling refreshed and inspired by the prospect of the rentrée.
As many of you know the are some changes afoot at the Red Earth Centre – a rich programme of Dynamic Yoga classes, workshops and retreats, shiatsu, new practitioners, Open Day, family constellation trainings… read on!
The Open Day is back! Come along for a full day of free classes from different teachers, Sunday Septembre 23rd 10H30 – 18H, (programme TBA) Spread the word!
For the Dynamic Yoga programme this year there will be weekly classes, monthly workshops, and bimonthly weekend immersions. I will be giving two group classes a week at the centre beginning 13/14 September :
Thursdays 18h15-19h30
Fridays 12h15 – 13h15
I also offer a 5-week course “Dynamic Yoga for the Autumn” at “Le Coudrier”, Massy on Wednesdays 9h30-11h beginning September 19.
For 2018/19 I will offer monthly workshops at the centre (45€, by reservation as group numbers limited) on Saturday mornings 10h- 13h, class times on the site calendar, the first is Saturday Oct 6th.
There will be Dynamic Yoga immersions or retreats every two months (Immersions are four classes over a weekend : 10h-13h et 14h30-17h30 possibility to participate one or both days) :
November 10/11 2018
January 9/10 2019 (Godfrey Devereux)
March 23/24 2019
Retreats :
May 2019 Ibiza (dates TBA)
August 23-30 2019 Bali Indonesia
If you are unsure about class times don’t hesitate to check the site calendar as it is always up to date.
I am also available for private classes (individual and group) and mentoring programmes for students and teachers – at the centre and online.
I am very happy to announce that Godfrey Devereux will be returning to the centre January19th/20th 2019 to give another wonderful Dynamic Yoga Training Method immersion.
I am also, as always, available for private shiatsu consultation by appointment. Shiatsu is a deeply effective body therapy used to treat a wide range of conditions. I was trained in Japan and have been practicing professionally since 1995; please see the shiatsu pageon the site for more details.
On Saturday 22 September « Yoga and Healing » with Charlotte Hoefmann ( 06 21 36 68 08 /
As many of you know I have always enjoyed offering different kinds of bodymind therapies at the centre to complement the focus on yoga as self-enquiry. I am very happy to announce a rich programme of diverse therapies for this rentrée :
— Family Constellation therapy weekends every month (professional training as well as individual constellations) in the studio with the highly experienced Samai and Gerard Fossat ( The dates for the year are already featured on the site calendar.
Three wonderful women will be offering sessions in the space adjoining the yoga studio :
—Victoria Nalin : Deep Memory Process (Past Life Therapy) together with soul recovery and trauma healing individual sessions ( 06 25 78 12 51 )
— Anastasia Gonzalez sophrologue and intuitive therapist nourishing bodymind treatments for women (06 38 18 78 42 /; )
— Françoise Bossan shaman and energeticienne 30 years’ experience; offering individual and group sessions, sister circles, journeys. ( / / /
Voilà the programme for the rentrée! Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, and I hope very much to see you soon in class or at the centre!
06 10 89 76 04
Cours de Dynamic Yoga à Massy / Verrières-Le-Buisson
Bonjour à tous,
Un petit mot pour vous dire que je vais commencer mon deuxième cycle de cours de yoga à Verrières-Le-Buisson/Massy à partir de mi mai. C’est un cycle de 5 cours hebdomadaires consécutifs chaque mercredi matin de 9H30 à 11h. Ce deuxième module aura lieu les mercredis 16, 23, 30 mai et 6 et 13 juin (5 cours tarif 75€) : “Éveiller la Colonne Vertébrale “.
Je propose des postures et des mouvements accessibles à tous, qui invitent à la conscience et à l’expression de l’intelligence innée du corps humain. Les instructions sont précises et progressives. Les cours sont ouverts à tout le monde (sauf en cas de d’importantes difficultés de mouvement, où des cours particuliers sont recommandés). N’hésitez pas de me contacter si vous avez des questions ou si vous voulez vous inscrire. Si vous souhaitez en connaître plus sur moi, ou sur la Méthode Pédagogique Dynamic Yoga, merci de consulter les autres rubriques sur ce site.
Dynamic Yoga Retreat with Louisa Raszyk, Bali July 25 – 30 2018
I am a Senior Dynamic Yoga teacher and have had a daily yoga and meditation practice for almost 30 years. My career has been dedicated exclusively to bodymind integration, revolving around a core of yoga, dance and shiatsu. In 2003 I founded the Red Earth Centre in Paris (, a unique studio dedicated to bodymind enquiry where I continue to teach and practice Dynamic Yoga, shiatsu and dance.
The Dynamic Yoga Training Method ( is unique in the yoga world. It is a learning methodology (rather than a practice style), based on somatic self-enquiry via a progressive sensitisation of the body. This takes place in the context of a simple, accessible flow of movements – Xandranamaskar and suryanamaskar via xandravinyasa and suryavinyasa – that is broken down into component ullolas (short sequences of two, three or more postures repeated in a cyclical flow synchronised with the natural breath).
The DYTM has evolved from recognising that the human body is an inherently mobile organism that learns through simple, pleasant, repetitive movement; and that it is only by addressing how the body learns and applying it to how the body is taught that we can come fully and easily into the genuine stillness of yoga asana.
Generally it is thought, even subconsciously, that the more complex the posture, the better the yoga practitioner, or that if we do a certain sequence, we will achieve certain results. These notions feed into our already very deeply ingrained notions of competition, strengthening the mind’s fear-based need to control, rather than inviting the body to reveal itself as it is, in all its complexity and multiplicity.
The DYTM proposes something quite different – by inviting the mind to notice and feel the body through accessible, specific and repetitive movements, the mind begins to anchor in, and be lead by, sensation. This is a deep process of somatic trust that has powerful implications for life as we allow ourselves to be guided, sweetly surrendering our ingrained need to control. As this happens, a wonderful flow of deepening conscious awareness takes place.
The retreat is appropriate for all people who do not have major injuries, illnesses or disabilities, in which case personal instruction is recommended.
Villa Boreh is a very beautiful and special place that was built 15 years ago specifically to hold yoga retreats. The perfectly kept Balinese bungalow accomodations are woven seamlessly though leafy tropical gardens and small temple spaces, swimming pools and rest areas, cool quiet spa rooms, open air bathrooms nestled in tropical gardens, and all of this right on the ocean’s edge. It really is an exceptional place that has been constructed according to geobiology under the instruction of local priest and shamans using mostly Balinese architecture and materials. It is intimate and traditional, but still quietly and unobtrusively offers all the conveniences of a quality resort.
The retreat cost is US$ 1225 / AUS$1600 (US$1165 early bird price until January 30th) and includes:
– transfers from and to Denapasar airport at specified times
– 10 yoga, meditation and postural classes (25 hours) -every morning and evening
– complimentary Balinese massage in the beautiful spa space
– three meals a day – delicious, healthy and prepared using Villa Boreh’s own organic garden produce
– shared accommodation (single accommodation available at an extra cost according to availability)
– use of the entire grounds including three pools
– fully serviced rooms with organic onsite spa products provided
– access to the custom built yoga shala and equipment at any time
– use of sea kayaks and snorkelling equipment
There are also optional activities which you may choose – onsite spa treatments, tours taking you to waterfalls, temples, the local healer, cultural tours with knowledgable and bilingual guides, scuba diving, sunrise dolphin excursion, etc.
The first class begins at 5pm on the 25th, the last class ends at 9.30am on the 30th after which there is the final brunch, so you can easily leave Vila Boreh by 11am on the 30th. It takes about 3-4 hours to go from Villa Boreh to the airport, about 2 hours to Ubud. The Villa Boreh cars and drivers are excellent, I recommend them.
I would love to see you there and to spend time doing yoga in this beautiful place.
Email me if you are interested and would like to register, or message me here or at (+33)0(610 897 604)
Happy holidays!
The Red Earth Centre will close its doors during August.
Classes will return from September 5th on. Check the online schedule to be up to date with all the news !
Wishing you a happy Summer, we find each other in September.