
Red Earth Centre is 10 Years Old!!

Red Earth CentreHello everyone, party news and spring news !

It is 10 years ago this spring that the Red Earth Centre opened its doors, now I do believe that deserves a CELEBRATION !!

In order to mark this momentous event, I invite you all to join me on the afternoon of Saturday 24th May at the centre from 4pm – 7pm for an afternoon tea/aperitif Red Earth Centre style. Which means, come along, bring something or nothing, bring your kids, friends, grannies, families, pets, and enjoy a gathering, it’s been a while since such an event at the centre. Let me know if you will be coming !

Other news at the centre – the centre is open all the long weekends in May and I will be teaching all holiday Thursdays my usual 12noon class. So come along and enjoy a nice deep yoga session on your day off ! Miranda will replace me Friday 2nd, Saturday 3rd, and Dinusha will repalce me Saturday 10th. Apart from that , I will give all long weekend classes as usual.

I am thrilled to anounce that Red Earth Centre will be participating in the wonderful Room To Read programme this year. All proceeds from my class Saturday 7th June 10H30 will be given to this highly respected charity which educates girls in Asia and Africa (www.roomtoread.org) . Did you know that it only costs 181€ to educate a girl for one year in the Room To Read programme? SO COME ALONG, the 17€ that you pay for class will go entirely to Room To Read.

Due to popular demand, Kids’ Yoga is back ! Sharon Bales will be teaching Kidding Around style kids’ yoga classes at the centre on Thursdays from 5pm – 6pm (except holiday Thursdays) til the end of the school year. Contact Sharon Bales for further information and registration : sharon@yogabijaparis.com  tel.

And last but not least, a glimpse of what is to come in October – it’s early to annouce it but this is an exciting programme for me – Teen Yoga training (the first in Paris !) with the truly committed and comprehensive www.teenyoga.co.uk.

So with all this activity at the centre, I hope to see you soon. Enjoy the spring !



Kids’ Yoga at Red Earth Centre

Rainbow Kids Yoga teacher training

Kids’ yoga classes are back at the Red Earth Centre!

Sharon teaches traditional Integral yoga poses to children and helps them practice them through songs, games and stories.   The children learn about meditation and how to use it to calm their minds using age-appropriate meditation techniques.  The stories that Sharon uses in her classes teach the children about honesty, respect, courage, friendship and anger management.  Many of the activities are very high energy, but there is always time in her classes for quiet reflection and relaxation.

Thursdays 5pm – 6pm May 15th, 22nd; June 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th. Ages 5 – 10

120€ / six sessions

Contact Sharon Bales for further information and registration:sharon@yogabijaparis.com06.

To learn more about KAY, have a look at the main website:  www.kiddingaroundyoga.com
>>To learn more about Sharon:  www.yogabijaparis.com

Classes continue during all longweekends in May

Just a quick post to let you know that my classes will continue as usual through the month of May. I will be replaced occasionally by Dinusha and Miranda. Here is my full schedule:

Thursday May 1st 12noon : Louisa

Friday May 2nd 9.30am : Miranda

Saturday May 3rd 10.30am : Miranda

Thursday May 8th 12 noon : Louisa

Friday May 9th 9.30am : Louisa

Saturday May 10th 10.30am : Dinusha

Thursday 28th May 12 noon : Louisa

Friday 29th May 9.30am : Louisa

Saturday 30th May 10.30am : Louisa

See you soon at the centre!


Planning au Red Earth Centre pendant les vacances de Pâques

Bonjour à tous!

Le centre restera ouvert pendant les vacances de Pâques avec quelques petits changements:

Monday 14th April 18H NO CLASS;  19H45 Dynamic Yoga Method with Louisa

Thursday 17th April 12noon Dynamic Yoga Method with Louisa

Friday 18th April 9H30 Dynamic Yoga Method with Louisa

Saturday 19th April 10H30 Dynamic Yoga Method with Louisa

Monday 21st April 18H NO CLASS; 19H45 Hatha Yoga with Dinusha (replacing Louisa)

Thursday 24th April 12noon Hatha Yoga with Dinusha (replacing Louisa)

Friday 25th April 9H30 Vinyasa Yoga with Miranda (replacing Louisa)

Saturday 26th April 10H30 Vinyasa Yoga with Miranda (replacing Louisa).

Have a wonderful Easter and stay tuned for upcoming events at the centre!

Godfrey Devereux at Red Earth Centre Paris

godfreyI am thrilled to announce Godrey’s return to Paris. Through many years of practice and inquiry,  Godfrey  Devereux has developed the Dynamic Yoga Method (www.dynamicyoga.com), and has been my teacher since 1996. His teaching is exceptional, and if you are passionate about yoga, these workshops are not to be missed. It is also a rare opportunity to be a student in a small group with this internationally recognised teacher.

Friday February 28th 2014 6.30pm-9pm RADICAL ENQUIRY

Taking place as a dialogue between your unconscious and your conscious mind the Radical Enquiry will painstakingly and systematically expose, discredit and dismantle the false ideas, beliefs, prejudices and assumptions by which your wisdom, happiness and freedom are habitually obscured. As they fall away they take with them the roots and possibility of shame, guilt, resentment, contempt, pride, regret, manipulation, hostility, animosity, exploitation, blame, anxiety and despair. All you need do is hear clearly and acknowledge fully with your own mind the truth that lies in your own heart. Within the clear and simple framework of the Radical Enquiry this is very easy to do.


THE AWAKENING OF INTELLIGENCE: Intelligence is what you most deeply are, and yet the intelligence of your mind is the cause of so many avoidable problems. The solution to these problems (guilt, shame, anxiety, depression etc) is to ground the intelligence of the mind in its source, the intelligence of consciousness. There is no more simple and direct way to do this than by way of the intelligence of the body. This workshop will present Yoga Posture Praxis as somatic self enquiry, within which the intelligence of the mind will be invited to let go into the intelligence of consciousness by way of sensitive action within the movements and shapes of Yoga Posture Praxis. This workshop will be progressive through each session, yet each session will be complete in itself and suitable for practitioners of all experiences and capabilities.

SATURDAY 1st March MORNING 10.00-13.00: Awakening the intelligence of the body. This session will be based on the clarification of the Dynamic of Integrity to yoga posture practice.

SATURDAY AFTERNOON 14.30-17.30 Awakening the intelligence of the mind. This session will include internalising yoga posture practice, pranayama and meditation.

SUNDAY 2nd March MORNING 10.00-13.00 Integrating the intelligence of body and mind. This session will be based on application of the Dynamic of Integrity to yoga posture practice.

SUNDAY AFTERNOON 14.30-17.30 Integrating the intelligence of body and mind and consciousness. This session will be based on pranayama and meditation.

MONDAY MORNING 3rd March 9am – 12 noon

GUIDED SELF PRACTICE Godfrey will talk through a practice series suitable as the basis for daily self practice for anyone who has assmilated the Dynamic of Integrity as their basis for action in Yoga Posture Praxis.

TARIF :  Friday Radical Inquiry 30€
Saturday, Sunday and Monday ateliers: one atelier 45€ / two ateliers 85€ / three ateliers 120€ / four ateliers 150€ / five ateliers 185€

all four days : 195€

Jo Kemp, Senior Dynamic Yoga Teacher, at Red Earth Centre Paris

DSCF0534-1Following the success of her workshops at the Centre in September 2013,  Jo Kemp, senior Dynamic Yoga teacher, is back due to popular demand and proposes two workshops:

Saturday 25th January 2014 2pm – 5pm The Bandhas

This workshop takes us progressively and experientialy into an exploration of the 3 overt and 3 covert bandhas. In yoga posture practice shape and form is evidently important yet for a shape to become a yoga posture depends much on the integrity of the body and a certain quality of awareness, depth of sensitivity and inquiry.
The Bandhas are a powerful unifying mechanism that transforms outer shape and internal awareness into the subtle yet profound inter-connectivity that is Asana.

Suitable for practitioners and teachers from all yoga backgrounds wishing to deepen their practice.

Sunday 26th January 10am – 1pm : Pranayama-Freeing the Breath

“ Transcending of the duality of the breath uncovers the inner light and initiates the mind into meditation” Patanjali.

In this dynamic yoga workshop we are invited into a deep and potent intimacy with the breath.

The habitual patterns of holding, controlling and resisting that often show up in the breath and are often revealed within yoga posture practice can be transcended by bringing a continuous sensitivity and open inquiry within the arena of breath/ movement synchronization.

In the first part of the workshop participants are guided through a powerful yet gentle sequence that opens and gently awakens the body in full support of the respiratory system.This is then followed by a deep yet accessible exploration of potent pranayama techniques, concluding with a guided meditation bringing a further elucidation and invitation to intimacy with the breath and therefore life.

All students, practitioners and teachers from all styles of yoga are very welcome and can benefit from this workshop.

Tarif : 40€/workshop or 70€ for both workshops

Cours de Shiatsu des Méridiens 2013-2014 avec Sophie Picard-Nguyen

Chinese medical meridian map, reference for shiatsu practitioners.La nouvelle session pour Débutants a lieu de novembre 2013 à juin 2014

Elle peut être suivie par toute personne motivée dans un objectif de découverte personnelle ou constituer le 1er niveau de la formation Shiatsu des Méridiens, agréée par la Fédération de Shiatsu Traditionnel.

Les inscriptions en cours d’année sont possibles sous certaines conditions – contacter l’enseignant.


7 et 8 décembre 2013 – 18 et 19 janvier 2014 – 15 et 16 mars – 26 et 27 avril – 24 et 25 mai – 14 et 15 juin (à confirmer)


Sophie Picard-Nguyên – 01 47 97 08 14



Dynamic Yoga with Godfrey Devereux and Jo Kemp

Red Grevillea - Australian bushflower essence remedyI am thrilled to announce two Dynamic Yoga workshops at Red Earth Centre in 2014 –

Jo Kemp January 25th / 26th (www.dynamicyoga.eu), senior Dynamic Yoga teacher

Saturday 25th January 2014 2pm – 5pm The Bandhas

This workshop takes us progressively and experientialy into an exploration of the 3 overt and 3 covert bandhas. In yoga posture practice shape and form is evidently important yet for a shape to become a yoga posture depends much on the integrity of the body and a certain quality of awareness, depth of sensitivity and inquiry.
The Bandhas are a powerful unifying mechanism that transforms outer shape and internal awareness into the subtle yet profound inter-connectivity that is Asana.

Suitable for practitioners and teachers from all yoga backgrounds wishing to deepen their practice.

Sunday 26th January 10am – 1pm : Pranayama-Freeing the Breath

“ Transcending of the duality of the breath uncovers the inner light and initiates the mind into meditation” Patanjali.

In this dynamic yoga workshop we are invited into a deep and potent intimacy with the breath.

The habitual patterns of holding, controlling and resisting that often show up in the breath and are often revealed within yoga posture practice can be transcended by bringing a continuous sensitivity and open inquiry within the arena of breath/ movement synchronization.

In the first part of the workshop participants are guided through a powerful yet gentle sequence that opens and gently awakens the body in full support of the respiratory system.This is then followed by a deep yet accessible exploration of potent pranayama techniques, concluding with a guided meditation bringing a further elucidation and invitation to intimacy with the breath and therefore life.

All students, practitioners and teachers from all styles of yoga are very welcome and can benefit from this workshop.

Tarif : 40€ one workshop / 70€ both workshops


And the wonderful Godfrey Devereux February 28th – March 3rd (www.dynamicyoga.com), founder of the Dynamic Yoga Method and my teacher since 1996:

Friday February 28th 6.30pm-9pm RADICAL ENQUIRY

Taking place as a dialogue between your unconscious and your conscious mind the Radical Enquiry will painstakingly and systematically expose, discredit and dismantle the false ideas, beliefs, prejudices and assumptions by which your wisdom, happiness and freedom are habitually obscured. As they fall away they take with them the roots and possibility of shame, guilt, resentment, contempt, pride, regret, manipulation, hostility, animosity, exploitation, blame, anxiety and despair. All you need do is hear clearly and acknowledge fully with your own mind the truth that lies in your own heart. Within the clear and simple framework of the Radical Enquiry this is very easy to do.


THE AWAKENING OF INTELLIGENCE: Intelligence is what you most deeply are, and yet the intelligence of your mind is the cause of so many avoidable problems. The solution to these problems (guilt, shame, anxiety, depression etc) is to ground the intelligence of the mind in its source, the intelligence of consciousness. There is no more simple and direct way to do this than by way of the intelligence of the body. This workshop will present Yoga Posture Praxis as somatic self enquiry, within which the intelligence of the mind will be invited to let go into the intelligence of consciousness by way of sensitive action within the movements and shapes of Yoga Posture Praxis. This workshop will be progressive through each session, yet each session will be complete in itself and suitable for practitioners of all experiences and capabilities.

SATURDAY 1st March MORNING 10.00-13.00: Awakening the intelligence of the body. This session will be based on the clarification of the Dynamic of Integrity to yoga posture practice.

SATURDAY AFTERNOON 14.30-17.30 Awakening the intelligence of the mind. This session will include internalising yoga posture practice, pranayama and meditation.

SUNDAY 2nd March MORNING 10.00-13.00 Integrating the intelligence of body and mind. This session will be based on application of the Dynamic of Integrity to yoga posture practice.

SUNDAY AFTERNOON 14.30-17.30 Integrating the intelligence of body and mind and consciousness. This session will be based on pranayama and meditation.

MONDAY MORNING 3rd March 9am – 12 noon

GUIDED SELF PRACTICE Godfrey will talk through a practice series suitable as the basis for daily self practice for anyone who has assmilated the Dynamic of Integrity as their basis for action in Yoga Posture Praxis.

TARIF :  Friday Radical Inquiry 30€
Saturday, Sunday and Monday ateliers: one atelier 45€ / two ateliers 85€ / three ateliers 120€ / four ateliers 150€ / five ateliers 185€

all four days : 195€


Open Day Sunday 13th October 11am – 8pm

Red Earth Centre

Red Earth Centre is proud to open its doors again, as every year, to share freely some of the events and classes happening at the centre in the course of the coming year. There are free classes and presentations all day long, every hour on the hour, and tea in the courtyard, withe chance to meet and chat with some of the teachers at Red Earth Centre.

The programme is as follows:

11am – 12 noon :  Dynamic Yoga for all levels with Louisa Raszyk

12noon – 1Pm : Professional shiatsu training presented by Sophie Picard

1pm – 2pm : Zazen (zen meditation) presented by Amy Holowell sensei

2pm – 3pm : Hatha yoga with Welela Mar Kindred

3pm – 4pm : Restorative Yoga with Christine Balastegui

4pm – 5pm : Yin Yoga with Christine Balastegui

5pm – 6pm : Hatha Yoga with Aloys Berdoll

6pm – 7pm : Yoga Irano with Aloys Berdoll

For any further inquiries, and the DOOR CODE, please call 06 10 89 76 04.


Saturday morning class starting again with Louisa from Sept. 28th

Hi Everyone!
Having received a lot of requests about Saturday morning class, I have decided to continue the class 10H30 – 12 Dynamic Yoga for all levels. Please come along, it’s a great way to start the weekend feeling relaxed and energised!
I will start from the 28th September, since next Saturday is the Dynamic Yoga workshop with Jo Kemp which you MUST NOT MISS!!
See you soon !

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