
Godfrey Devereux at Red Earth Centre – A Modern Yoga Master in Paris January 18 – 20 2019

Red Earth Centre Paris is delighted to present a weekend workshop with the renowned yoga teacher Godfrey Devereux, founder of the Dynamic Yoga Training Method, the 18 – 20 January 2019.

Godfrey is one of the most experienced and respected yoga teachers in the world today, his Dynamic Yoga Training Method known for its integrity and simple yet profound intelligence . A free and provocative thinker, if you’re not familiar with the Dynamic Yoga Training Method, I suggest visiting , reading further on this site, or consulting his videos on Youtube. Here is a brief bio :

“Godfrey’s pioneering journey into the roots of human experience is grounded in a lifetime of yoga practice on mat and cushion that began when he was 16 years old. Fertilised by professional training in Child Development and Education, Oriental Medicine, and dedicated study with masters of Zen, Advaita and Tantra as well as Indian Yoga Gurus, Godfrey’s practice has brought him to a deep, lucid intimacy with the subtleties of being human within which its apparent paradoxes are all heart-warmingly resolved. His teaching will invite you to the same.

Unintimidated by the ideologies and hierarchies of tradition, Godfrey has been able to cast clear light not only on the subtleties of yoga practice, but also on the nature of the body-mind ‘relationship’ and the significance of human consciousness. This has allowed him to firmly establish yoga practice and theory in the wisdom of life itself, while grounding its expression in the language of everyday life.

Godfrey’s teaching has a deep grounding in the Yogasutras of Patanjali and invites you to contextualise the sense of separateness within the deeper experiential perspectives of connectedness, interconnectedness, non-separateness and emptiness (or wholeness). This invitation is extended somatically on the basis of direct, immediate experience without any need for external authority or ideological dogma. In being accepted it allows you to feel a deep intimacy with and trust in life just as it is without needing to deny the presence or power of any element of your personal experience.


To ensure the teaching quality, places are strictly limited. So please don’t hesitate to register by email, or tel 06 10 89 76 04

Pour assurer la qualité de l’enseignement, les places sont strictement limités et on a déjà plusieurs inscriptions. Donc n’hesitez pas à s’inscrire ici ou via courriel, ou en appellant 06 10 89 76 04

The workshop is given in English with summary translation if necessary.

Class times :

Friday 18 January 2019 (€40). :
18H30 – 20H30   Pranayama : Ujayi Breathing – what is it really?

Saturday 19  January  (100€). :
10H – 13H  trikonasana unveiled
14H30 – 17H30  bandhas 
Sunday 20 January (100€)  :
10H – 13H    backbends
14H30 – 17H30   pranayama

(all five sessions  €210)
I take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and healthy 2019.

A bientôt au Red Earth Centre



Cours de Dynamic Yoga à Massy / Verrières-Le-Buisson

Bonjour à tous,

Un petit mot pour vous dire que je vais commencer mon deuxième cycle de cours de yoga à Verrières-Le-Buisson/Massy à partir de mi mai. C’est un cycle de 5 cours hebdomadaires consécutifs chaque mercredi matin de 9H30 à 11h. Ce deuxième module aura lieu les mercredis 16, 23, 30 mai et 6 et 13 juin (5 cours tarif 75€) : “Éveiller la Colonne Vertébrale “.

Je propose des postures et des mouvements accessibles à tous, qui invitent à la conscience et à l’expression de l’intelligence innée du corps humain. Les instructions sont précises et progressives. Les cours sont ouverts à tout le monde (sauf en cas de d’importantes difficultés de mouvement, où des cours particuliers sont recommandés). N’hésitez pas de me contacter si vous avez des questions ou si vous voulez vous inscrire. Si vous souhaitez en connaître plus sur moi, ou sur la Méthode Pédagogique Dynamic Yoga, merci de consulter les autres rubriques sur ce site.

Merci d’amener ou de porter une tenue souple et comfortable, un tapis de yoga si vous en avez un, et une couverture pour la relaxation finale.
Lieu: “Le Coudrier” , 10ter rue André Chénier, Massy 91300.
Pour me contacter :
tel : 0610897604
Au plaisir de vous voir bientôt,


Lunchtime yoga at the Red Earth Centre

Every day, from Monday to Friday 12:15 to 13:15, come enjoy an hour of soft and sensitive yoga. Come relax and recharge your batteries for the afternoon !

Monday: Soft Vinyasa with Christina

Tuesday: Dynamic Yoga with Sergio

Wednesday: Dynamic Yoga with Miranda

Thursday: Hatha Yoga with Dinusha

Friday: Dynamic Yoga with Louisa






1 class 10 €

10 classes card, valid 3 months 80 €

One month unlimited 70 € (best option if you’d like to come several times a week!)





Classes begin next week!

Classes are back 

After the Summer break, regular classes will be back at the centre.

Louisa is back to Paris and she’ll teach on Thursday evening and Friday Lunchtime.

We have lunchtime classes at an affordable price every day!

Come enjoy the gentle flow!

Check the schedule:

Godfrey Devereux in Paris, April 2017

Workshops with Godfrey Devereux in Paris










Workshops with Godfrey Devereux in Paris at the Red Earth Centre

Friday, April 21st – 18:30 to 21:00
Ujjayi breathing as a seated practice

This short workshop will expose the myths and clarify the muscular and energetic dynamics of Ujjayi breathing.
Price: 30 €

Saturday, April 22nd – 10:00 to 18:00 (lunch break included)
Standing postures

Standing poses provide deep structural integration for the whole body, whilst being simultaneously energising and grounding. Nevertheless, their structural complexities demand intelligent preparation for the whole body, if local stresses and strains are to be avoided. This workshop, in two parts, will present a comprehensive vinyasakrama to prepare the whole body, and mind, for the challenge of asymmetrical standing poses, so that their power can be accessed. Open to anyone, regardless of experience.
Price: 100 €

Sunday, April 23rd – 10:00 to 18:00 (lunch break included)

Backbends present the deepest challenge to the vulnerabilities of the spine. To avoid weakening or injuring the lower back and neck, the whole body, from feet and hands, must engage to support the spine. This is impossible to learn within the backbends themselves, and requires a whole body vinyasakrama of muscular preparation. This workshop, in two parts, will present a vinyasakrama to prepare the whole body, and mind, for the challenge of backbends, so that they can easily be enjoyed by anyone. Open to anyone, regardless of experience.
Price: 100 €

Monday, April 24th – 9:00 to 12:30
Dynamic Yoga full practice

Vinyasaxikitsa, the core praxis of Dynamic Yoga, awakens, energises and integrates the whole body. A progressive flow of namaskar, standing and balancing poses, backbends, extensions, rotations, forward bends and inversions provides a balanced template for varying your own practice according to your changing needs and capabilities.
Price: 40 €

Price only weekend: 190 €
Price all 4 days: 250 €

Early bird all 4 days: 230 € (reserved before March 15th!)

Registration open, places very limited and going fast !
For more information or for booking
Call: +33 (0)7 82 92 45 97
Write to:


Dynamic Yoga Retreat Bali, Louisa Raszyk Sept. 22nd – 27th 2016


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I am very excited to announce another Dynamic Yoga retreat in Bali, from September 22nd – 27th, at the magical, remote north coast retreat of Villa Boreh. Following the wonderful experience of the April retreat, I have had many students wanting to come back or come for the first time. This is a wonderful opportunity to explore the deep sensitivity and intelligence of the Dynamic Yoga Method, in an authentic retreat situation, away from the demands and distractions of your daily life.


Villa Boreh is a very beautiful and special place that was built 15 years ago specifically to hold yoga retreats. The perfectly kept Balinese bungalow accomodations are woven seamlessly though leafy tropical gardens and small temple spaces, swimming pools and rest areas, cool quiet spa rooms, open air bathrooms nestled in tropical gardens, and all of this right on the ocean’s edge. It really is an exceptional place that has been constructed according to geobiology under the instruction of local priest and shamans using mostly Balinese architecture and materials. It is intimate and traditional, but still quietly and unobtrusively offers all the conveniences of a quality resort.

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I propose a five day, five night retreat, offering five meditation, pranayama and asana classes in the mornings, and five late afternoon meditation and restorative, nourishing classes. The first class will be the evening of your arrival, the last will be the morning of your departure. You will have afternoon time free to simply relax, doze, read a book, do more yoga! Or explore, making the most of optional activities available: onsite spa treatments, visits to waterfalls, temples, the local healer, cultural tours with knowledgable and bilingual guides, scuba diving, sunrise dolphin excursion, etc. I have purposefully chosen a venue that is very remote – there are no distractions, no nearby town and tourist attractions, so that the particiapnts are invited to enjoy the experience of a true yoga retreat.


I am a Senior Dynamic Yoga teacher and shiatsu practitioner with 20 years’ teaching experience. I have had a daily yoga self-practice since 1989. The Dynamic Yoga Method is based on self-inquiry and uses safe, accessible movements and shapes to allow the mind to soften and merge with a deeper consciousness. In doing so, we naturally become more intimate with life, more open to the present moment, and more present and open to those around us. These group classes are appropriate for all people who do not have major injuries, illnesses or disabilities, in which case personal instruction is recommended.

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The retreat will cost €1050 (AUS$1600) and this includes:

  • transfers leaving Denapasar airport 12H30 on the 22nd September, and arriving at Denapsar airport 3.30pm 27th September
  • 10 yoga, meditation and postural classes (25 hours)
  • all meals – delicious, healthy and prepared using Villa Boreh’s own organic garden produce
  • beautiful shared accommodation (single accommodation available at an extra cost according to availability)
  • use of the entire grounds including three pools
  • fully serviced rooms with organic onsite spa products provided
  • access to the custom built yoga shala and equipment at any time
  • use of sea kayaks and snorkelling equipment
  • one complementary Balinese massage


There are also optional activities which you may choose – onsite spa treatments, tours taking you to waterfalls, temples, the local healer, cultural tours with knowledgable and bilingual guides, scuba diving, sunrise dolphin excursion, etc.


I would love to see you there and to spend time doing yoga in this beautiful place.

Email me if you are interested and would like to register.


With love



Urban retreat with Louisa Raszyk – July 9th and 10th

Urban Retreat with Louisa Raszyk, Red Earth Centre, July 9th and 10th 2016 (Bilingue)

2015-02-22 14.27.33Louisa is delighted to be back in Paris this summer and to be able to offer a two-day yoga immersion at the beautiful and intimate Red Earth Centre, for all who wish to experience a yoga retreat without having to leave the city.

We will explore the Dynamic Yoga Method, a method based on self-inquiry which uses simple, accessible movements and shapes to invite the mind to soften and merge with a deeper consciousness through awareness of the body. Louisa Raszyk is a Senior Dynamic Yoga teacher, and founder of Red Earth Centre Paris (2003). She has been practicing yoga since 1989.

Louisa will teach morning and afternoon both days, we will lunch together (included) and return home at night to our own little beds for sleeping!
Tea and fruit will also be available throughout the weekend.
Places are limited. The retreat is open to all levels of practitioner.
Saturday 9th July 9.30am – 1pm, and 3pm – 5.30pm
Sunday 10th July 9.30am – 1pm, and 3pm – 5.30pm
Cost – €160, includes 12 hours’ instruction, lunch, tea water and snacks.
Information and registration :

Laughter Yoga – Two open classes!



Come and join us for a free discovery session on 5 and 12 July at 6:00pm!

Originally a medical yoga created by Indian Doctor Madan Kataria in 1995, hasya yoga or laughter yoga is now spreading all over the world. Hospitals, but also schools, universities and companies use it to reduce stress and increase performance. We too may use it for the same reasons, or just to feel better and live a more joyous life.

The concept of Laughter Yoga, a combination of deep breathing exercises from yoga and laughter exercises, is based on a scientific fact that the body cannot differentiate between fake and real laughter. One gets the same physiological and psychological benefits.

Laughter yoga helps release adrenaline and get rid of stress, produce dopamine which induces ease and pleasure, bring more oxygen to blood and tissues, get better quality sleep thanks to higher level of serotonin, breathe better, get stronger antibody cells and lower blood pressure. It increases positive thoughts and, when facing difficult situations, helps to take distances in order to decide with clear ideas and a positive energy. In any group, it helps neutralize conflicts and build harmony.

I discovered Laughter Yoga in India in 2009, when staying at a friend’s whose aunt would practice it everyday. Today

I am pleased to be able to share at Red Earth Centre this experience of a fun and powerful yoga that brings so much to the body and soul.

On Tuesdays 5 and 12 July, you can experience Laughter Yoga at Red Earth Centre for the first time and also register for the regular class which will take place on Tuesdays, 6:00-7:15pm from next September.

Registration fee: 15€ /session ; 5 sessions card 65€ (to be used within 3 months) ; 10 sessions card 100€ ( to be used within 5 months) ; 20 sessions card 180 € (to be used within 1 year). 15% discount for students, unemployed and RSA beneficiaries.

More information at

Dynamic Yoga Retreat in Bali with Louisa Raszyk, 16-21st April 2016

Yoga retreat Bali Flyer Louisa Raszyk 1.0 JPG

Dear students and friends,


I hope this email/post finds you well and enjoying the cosy Parisian winter. I am still in Australia and will be back in Paris this June.


AtI have just visited the magical island of Bali, researching remote, authentic yoga retreat centres to find the perfect place to offer retreats to my Australian and European students (well, it’s not quite halfway, but it’s the best option I could think of!). I am happy to say that I have found the perfect retreat centre with a wonderful, professional staff, in the secluded north of the island, far from any touristed areas. Tejakula and Singaraja are some of the oldest spiritual centres on the island, and the beautiful deep Balinese spiritual energy is alive and well here. I will be holding the retreat from 16th -21st April, 2016, and if you wish to arrive earlier or stay longer, this can be arranged.


Villa Boreh is a very beautiful and special place that was built 15 years ago specifically to hold yoga retreats. The perfectly kept Balinese bungalow accomodations are woven seamlessly though leafy tropical gardens and small temple spaces, swimming pools and rest areas, cool quiet spa rooms, open air bathrooms nestled in tropical gardens, and all of this right on the ocean’s edge. It really is an exceptional place that has been constructed according to geobiology under the instruction of local priest and shamans using mostly Balinese architecture and materials. It is intimate and traditional, but still quietly and unobtrusively offers all the conveniences of a quality resort.


I propose a six day, five night retreat, offering six meditation, pranayama and asana classes in the mornings, and six late afternoon meditation and restorative, nourishing classes. You will have afternoon time free to simply relax, doze, read a book, do more yoga! Or explore, making the most of optional activities available: onsite spa treatments, visits to waterfalls, temples, the local healer, cultural tours with knowledgable and bilingual guides, scuba diving, sunrise dolphin excursion, etc. I have purposefully chosen a venue that is very remote – there are no distractions, no nearby town and tourist attractions, so that the particiapnts are invited to enjoy the experience of a true yoga retreat.


The first class will be the evening of your arrival, the last will be the morning of your departure. If you don’t know about me, please see the website of my Parisian studio, the Red Earth Centre, which I founded in 2003 I am a Senior Dynamic Yoga teacher and shiatsu practitioner with 20 years’ teaching experience. The yoga I teach is based on self-inquiry and uses safe, accessible movements and shapes to allow the mind to soften and merge with a deeper consciousness. In doing so, we naturally become more intimate with life, more open to the present moment, and more present and open to those around us. The classes are appropriate for all people who do not have major injuries, illnesses or disabilities, in which case personal instruction is recommended.


The retreat will cost €1050 (AUS$1600) and this includes:

  • transfers
  • 12 yoga, meditation and postural classes (30 hours)
  • all meals – delicious, healthy and prepared using Villa Boreh’s own organic garden produce
  • beautiful shared accommodation (single accommodation available at an extra cost according to availability)
  • use of the entire grounds including three pools
  • fully serviced rooms with organic onsite spa products provided
  • access to the custom built yoga shala and equipment at any time
  • use of sea kayaks and snorkelling equipment


There are also optional activities which you may choose – onsite spa treatments, tours taking you to waterfalls, temples, the local healer, cultural tours with knowledgable and bilingual guides, scuba diving, sunrise dolphin excursion, etc.


I would love to see you there and to spend time doing yoga in this beautiful place.

Email me if you are interested and would like to register.


With love


Tantra Yoga Workshop with Godfrey Devereux – May 20th to 22nd

Tantra Yoga Workshop with Godfrey Devereux

maxresdefault (1)We are very happy to announce that Godfrey will be back to the Red Earth Centre in Paris next Spring proposing a wonderful workshop. Places are limited and there is a lot of interest already shown, so please reserve soon to avoid any disappointment.

Friday, May 20th, 19.30pm

Talk: “The tantric roots of yoga” (Entrance free – please write or call to reserve, places limited)

The human body, as an extension of nature is an expression of the feminine principle. Yoga posture praxis cannot work if it is approached, even if only unconsciously, as a patriarchal, ascetic practice of transcendence. This talk will explore the tantric roots of yoga posture praxis and the deep fertility of the pleasures, obvious and subtle that it can provide.

Saturday, May 21st, 10am to 1.30pm – 3pm to 6.30pm

Making love, the art of intimacy

Making love is not a skill, but a frame of mind. Becoming intimate with your own presence as love is the only way to become able to be genuinely intimate in love with others. This workshop will explore the experiences, attitudes, and tools that can make genuine love a real possibility, while remaining clothed. Using yoga posture praxis and meditation godfrey will use refined and focussed instruction to invite you to experience the deep, impersonal love at the heart of human consciousness. Open to anyone interested in love and intimacy regardless of experience in yoga. There will be no sexual activity during this workshop, as we will be exploring the love upon which satisfying sexual activity depends.

Sunday, May 22nd, 10am to 1.30pm – 3pm to 6.30pm

The art of being pleasure

Pleasure is the natural expression of conscious awareness, and the subtle heart of the human body. To become free from the destructive pursuit of external and intense pleasures and the dependencies they generate, we need some alternative. Dynamic Tantra uses movement, stillness, intimate instruction and contact to access and release core sexual energy so that the pleasure nature of the body reveals itself. Then, perhaps, your experience of simply being alive can provide a satisfaction more lasting and nourishing than that provided by externally driven experiences, and you can find a genuine ease and freedom in your sexual nature. There will be no sexual activity during this workshop, as we will be exploring the energies upon which satisfying sexual activity depends.


Friday talk: free

Saturday session: 100€

Sunday session: 100€

Both days 190€ 

Early bird (until April 15th) both sessions 180€

Registration open, places limited: contact

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