Dynamic Yoga with Godfrey Devereux and Jo Kemp

Red Grevillea - Australian bushflower essence remedyI am thrilled to announce two Dynamic Yoga workshops at Red Earth Centre in 2014 –

Jo Kemp January 25th / 26th (www.dynamicyoga.eu), senior Dynamic Yoga teacher

Saturday 25th January 2014 2pm – 5pm The Bandhas

This workshop takes us progressively and experientialy into an exploration of the 3 overt and 3 covert bandhas. In yoga posture practice shape and form is evidently important yet for a shape to become a yoga posture depends much on the integrity of the body and a certain quality of awareness, depth of sensitivity and inquiry.
The Bandhas are a powerful unifying mechanism that transforms outer shape and internal awareness into the subtle yet profound inter-connectivity that is Asana.

Suitable for practitioners and teachers from all yoga backgrounds wishing to deepen their practice.

Sunday 26th January 10am – 1pm : Pranayama-Freeing the Breath

“ Transcending of the duality of the breath uncovers the inner light and initiates the mind into meditation” Patanjali.

In this dynamic yoga workshop we are invited into a deep and potent intimacy with the breath.

The habitual patterns of holding, controlling and resisting that often show up in the breath and are often revealed within yoga posture practice can be transcended by bringing a continuous sensitivity and open inquiry within the arena of breath/ movement synchronization.

In the first part of the workshop participants are guided through a powerful yet gentle sequence that opens and gently awakens the body in full support of the respiratory system.This is then followed by a deep yet accessible exploration of potent pranayama techniques, concluding with a guided meditation bringing a further elucidation and invitation to intimacy with the breath and therefore life.

All students, practitioners and teachers from all styles of yoga are very welcome and can benefit from this workshop.

Tarif : 40€ one workshop / 70€ both workshops


And the wonderful Godfrey Devereux February 28th – March 3rd (www.dynamicyoga.com), founder of the Dynamic Yoga Method and my teacher since 1996:

Friday February 28th 6.30pm-9pm RADICAL ENQUIRY

Taking place as a dialogue between your unconscious and your conscious mind the Radical Enquiry will painstakingly and systematically expose, discredit and dismantle the false ideas, beliefs, prejudices and assumptions by which your wisdom, happiness and freedom are habitually obscured. As they fall away they take with them the roots and possibility of shame, guilt, resentment, contempt, pride, regret, manipulation, hostility, animosity, exploitation, blame, anxiety and despair. All you need do is hear clearly and acknowledge fully with your own mind the truth that lies in your own heart. Within the clear and simple framework of the Radical Enquiry this is very easy to do.


THE AWAKENING OF INTELLIGENCE: Intelligence is what you most deeply are, and yet the intelligence of your mind is the cause of so many avoidable problems. The solution to these problems (guilt, shame, anxiety, depression etc) is to ground the intelligence of the mind in its source, the intelligence of consciousness. There is no more simple and direct way to do this than by way of the intelligence of the body. This workshop will present Yoga Posture Praxis as somatic self enquiry, within which the intelligence of the mind will be invited to let go into the intelligence of consciousness by way of sensitive action within the movements and shapes of Yoga Posture Praxis. This workshop will be progressive through each session, yet each session will be complete in itself and suitable for practitioners of all experiences and capabilities.

SATURDAY 1st March MORNING 10.00-13.00: Awakening the intelligence of the body. This session will be based on the clarification of the Dynamic of Integrity to yoga posture practice.

SATURDAY AFTERNOON 14.30-17.30 Awakening the intelligence of the mind. This session will include internalising yoga posture practice, pranayama and meditation.

SUNDAY 2nd March MORNING 10.00-13.00 Integrating the intelligence of body and mind. This session will be based on application of the Dynamic of Integrity to yoga posture practice.

SUNDAY AFTERNOON 14.30-17.30 Integrating the intelligence of body and mind and consciousness. This session will be based on pranayama and meditation.

MONDAY MORNING 3rd March 9am – 12 noon

GUIDED SELF PRACTICE Godfrey will talk through a practice series suitable as the basis for daily self practice for anyone who has assmilated the Dynamic of Integrity as their basis for action in Yoga Posture Praxis.

TARIF :  Friday Radical Inquiry 30€
Saturday, Sunday and Monday ateliers: one atelier 45€ / two ateliers 85€ / three ateliers 120€ / four ateliers 150€ / five ateliers 185€

all four days : 195€


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