Weekend Spring Retreat 9-11 April 2021 près de Rambouillet

“Rewilding the Body”
Weekend residential workshop
at Le Bois Dieu near Rambouillet, 9 – 11 avril 2021

Hello everyone

I’m very happy to announce a unique weekend spring workshop at a wonderful location 35 minutes from Paris – Le Bois Dieu, from Friday 9th April until Sunday 11th. Osélience is a renovated farmhouse adjacent to the Rambouillet forest, nestled in a small hamlet and surrounded by nature.

It is a perfect weekend for exploring the spring that our body will be living at its zenith at that time. I will present 7 movement and massage–based sessions revolving around Traditional Chinese Medical perspective of the body’s spring – the wood element and its expression in our daily life. Themes will include somatic awareness, embodied resilience, biotensegrity, shiatsu and do-in (self shiatsu), and the notion of our bodies = our stories. To know more about me and the work I propose, see here.

The farmhouse, with its extensive garden and small private forest, is nestled in a hamlet bordered by forest rich with trails and ponds. The retreat is limited to 8 students.
Accomodation is twin share or individual, and movement sessions will take place in the large studio or, weather permitting, outdoors.

I propose the following programme :

17H30 – 19H30 orientation and somatic groundwork
19H45 dinner

8H– 10H morning breathing and movement practice
10H breakfast
11H – 12H30 spring and the wilderness of the somatic experience
12H45 lunch
17H– 18H30 shiatsu for spring body
19H dinner

8H – 10h early morning breathing and movement
10h breakfast
11-12H30 wood energy in movement
12H45 lunch
15H – 16H30 somatic groundwork, closing
17H depart

Total cost including accommodation (individual or twin share) , classes and all meals : 485€

There is an onsite spa with jacuzzi, dry sauna and small hamaam access to which is 10€/day.
Massage available onsite (100€ 1H30)

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like more information or to book. Please book as soon as possible as the numbers of attendees are strictly limited.

2021 !

Happy New year to all. May 2021 bring us health, happiness and love.

Reservations are now open (see boutique) for online movement classes for January until mid- February 2021, Mondays 19H30 – 20H45, and Wednesdays 9H15 – 10H30 .
During this period we will be nourishing kidney, bladder, liver and gall bladder meridians via simple movements, breathing, and self massage. All techniques assist nervous system regulation, so needed during the Covid pandemic.

I look forward to seeing you online (or perhaps in my garden studio here at Verrières, for shiatsu or individual movement sessions) sometime soon. Don’t hesitate to contact me for any inquiries redearthcentre@gmail.com or (+33) 0610897604

Save a publisher – give a book this Christmas 🎉🎉

Christmas 2020 le noël inédit , inoubliable…special offers amazing books READ ON 🤓

As many of you know , my husband Benoît publishes beautiful books with his indépendant publishing house , Synchronique Editions. Publishing is a tough industry with tight margins at the best of times , and is one of the industries hardest hit by the impacts of Covid 19.

Amongst many wonderful titles, he publishes the amazing Stephen Mitchell translation of Lao Tseu’s Tao Te Ching, a stunning edition of the Bhagavad Gita, all of Byron Katie’s books available in French, wonderful books of Japanese haiku and zen gardens, Japanese cooking, origami, and much more.

You can buy through his site www.synchronique-Éditions.com and since the Red Earth Centre is close to Benoit’s heart, he’s offering 5% discount (the maximum legal discount) for all students in this list with promo code NOEL2020 and 5 superb Japanese bookmarks for all orders 🎉🎉🎉

Don’t miss this chance ⭐️🤩

With heartfelt thanks,

Happy December!

Online Class Booking now available !

Welcome to the beginning of the school year 2020.

I am very pleased to announce my schedule group classes and workshops for the year Sept 2020 – end June 2021 . These classes are available online to all levels of practitioner, and class bookings can now be easily made HERE on the site (“Online Class Booking”). You will be automatically sent the class link.

Mondays 19H30 – 20H45
Wednesdays 9H30 – 10H45
Saturdays 9H15 – 10H30

During school holidays there is no class, also the Saturdays where I am giving the monthly Saturday afternoon workshop (dates HERE). If you are not sure of the schedule, please see the classes listed on the Online Booking page.

As always I am available for online or in person classes (at my garden studio Verrieres Le Buisson and Paris 10è) and shiatsu sessions and mentoring.

If you have any questions or wish to communicate with me before class, please feel free to contact me at redearthcentre@gmail.com or call (+33)610897604.


Hello students and friends

I sincerely hope that you are all enjoying a wonderful summer (or winter for the southern hemispherians ! ).

Since the beginning of the déconfinement I’ve been loving seeing my shiatsu and yoga students again in my garden studio, and putting things in place for the beginning of the school year in September.

From September 2020 I will offer :
weekly online classes Monday 19H30 – 20H45, Wednesday 9H30 – 10H30, and Saturday 9H15 – 10H30
monthly 3-hour deep dives into somatic awareness “live” @ Studio Om Sweet Om, Paris 11
shiatsu sessions and individual yoga classes by appointment 0610897604 at my garden studio Verrieres Le Buisson, or bad Magenta Paris 10, or online

It is with great pleasure that I announce my dates for my real, live, in the flesh!  monthly workshops in Paris for 2020/21. These dates are confirmed, and in the case of further lockdown, the workshops will take place online. I will also be giving classes online, and in présentiel.

I am changing the format of the monthly Saturday workshops this year – about one third of the time will be theoretical discussion. According to the theme and the time of the year, we will learn about different aspects of Chinese medicine and also explore some of the juicy research out there about biotensegrity, the myofascial web, Polyvagal theory and more! I am hoping this will deepen your experience of the somatic movement practices that follow and help you integrate them more fully. Given the current context, my main focus in the next year will be exploring movement that nourish the immune system, and help us regulate the nervous system, both of which are suffering with the many challenges of life in 2020!
Workshop dates always Saturday 14H-17H (50€), rue Camille Desmoulins, Paris 11 métro Voltaire:
19/09/20  studio 17
03/10/20  studio 17
28/11/20  studio 17
19/12/20  studio 17
30/01/21  studio 17
06/03/21  studio 19
10/04/21  studio 19 
01/05/21  studio 17
05/06/21  studio 17

Weekly classes :

Mondays 19h30-20h45 ONLINE
email redearthcentre@gmail.com for link

Wednesdays 9H30 – 10H30  LIVE
Centre Ahimsa
rue de Paris Verrières Le Buisson

Saturdays 9h15-10H30   ONLINE
email redearthcentre@gmail.com for link

Call me 0610897604 if you have a problem connecting.
Cost of online classes : €12/class payable by PayPal (paypal.me/louisaraszyk) or virement (request RIB). Please contact me if you have financial difficulties and we can work something out. Please note on your payment your name and class date.
Individual classes at other times by appointment in my garden studio at Verrières Le Buisson, or at my cabinet 39 bvd Magenta, Paris 10 (les mardi).

If you have never worked online before , here’s how it works :
Approx 10 minutes before class start time, make a space for your practice in your house or apartment, where you will be least likely to be interrupted. Position your screen (smartphone, iPad, laptop) so that it shows your mat and the space around your mat.
Click on the link and a window will open on your screen inviting you to the meeting. And that’s it!  During the class, you can choose to be muted, also to be invisible if you prefer to practice without me seeing you.

I love teaching online because it often helps people who don’t have a home practice, to realise that it’s possible ! And it helps them to begin to make that association between home and yoga.. which is what it’s all about!

So, I do hope to see you, at least on my screen!

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions


Online courses during Coronavirus lockdown

Updated 11/04/2020

Hello everyone


I hope this finds you all well, given this very particular turn of events. Just when all the yoga studios close seems to be the time when people need it the most! So …


As many of you know, I have been offering online classes for the last couple of years, from tomorrow, and until the end of the lockdown, ALL OF MY WEEKLY OPEN GROUP CLASSES will be online via the highly accessible platform Zoom (for thorough instructions see below). One of these classes is in English (Mondays at 12.30pm CET). The other classes are given in French. All classes are noted below in Paris time (CET). If you would like a recording of the class in which you participate, let me know during class.


In these coming months, I will be offering a programme of classes focused on moving and energizing the body (being confined to the house with limited movement in springtime is potentially stagnating for the body) , and grounding and nourishing  to reassure our anxious minds 😁, always with a deep relaxation in the last part of class. My classes always follow seasonal change, and at this time of the year they focus on balancing liver and gall bladder energies, the wood element.


Class times are

Monday 12H30 – 14H (in English) 


Monday 19h-20h 

Wednesday 9h30-10h30 

 Thursday 18h30-19h45 

Friday 9H 10H15  

Email redearthcentre@gmail.com to register for class (up until 10m before class start) and receive Zoom link.

Call me 0610897604 if you have a problem connecting.

Cost : €12/class payable by PayPal or bank transfer (request RIB)

Individual classes at other times by appointment.

If you have never worked online before , here’s how it works :

Approx 10 minutes before class start time, make a space for your practice in your house or apartment, where you will be least likely to be interrupted. Position your screen (smartphone, iPad, laptop) so that it shows your mat and the space around your mat.

Click on the link that has been sent to you following registration (to register send me an email redearthcentre@gmail.com up to 10 m before class start), and a window will open on your screen inviting you to the meeting. And that’s it! During the class, you can choose to be muted, also to be invisible if you prefer to practice without me seeing you.

As you know, I work mostly via verbal instruction (this is a part of the somatic methodology, the idea being that the instructions are directly processed by your body without passing through the visual filter of watching someone else do the movement, which is alway an -if unconscious- invitation to imitation). My instructions are informed by how I see you moving, so mostly I will be watching you on my screen but if I see that the instructions are poorly understood, I will demonstrate. So I kind of go between watching you and moving.

I love teaching online because it often helps people who don’t have a home practice, to realise that it’s possible ! And it helps them to begin to make that association between home and yoga.. rather than externalising it.

So, I do hope to see you, at least on my screen!

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions


(image Salim Karami Fondation Cartier “Nous Les Arbres”)




Practise Somatic Awareness from Home via Weekly Online Classes!

Join me on Thursday nights 18H30 – 19H45 Paris time for a movement and somatic awareness class. We are exploring somatic groundwork, and cultivating our capacity to FEEL whilst making simple and accessible movments. Many students for many reasons like to take classes at home, and technology now makes this possible!

It’s easy! Just set up your screen so I can see your mat and the space a bit around it, drop me a line redearthcentre@gmail.com (you don’t even have to do that!) – and/or click on this link yo open the Zoom window:


ID de réunion : 598 726 193
Mot de passe : 070125

Payment (12€/class) is made by PayPal or bank transfer (I’ll send you my transfer details if you don’t have them.

Looking forward to seeing you


Easing into 2020


Je vous souhaite une belle année 2020, avec des amis, de l’amour, et du mouvement!

Pour vous aider à mieux accueillir cette nouvelle année, je suis disponible pour les seances de shiatsu ou les cours individuels de yoga à Paris les mardi et les jeudi, à 39 boulevard Magenta, Paris 10.
Je aussi suis ravie de proposer un cours en ligne les mardi soir 19H30 – 20H45, par Zoom. C’est simple – positionnez votre écran pour que je puisse voir le tapis et un peu l’espace autours, et cliquez sur ce lien :
Pour paiement (€12/cours) je vous enverrai un RIB (booking enligne sera bientôt possible).
Je peut vous voir tous sur mon écran. Venez essayer! C’est bien de m’envoyer un petit message avant (06 10 89 76 04), mais si non simplement cliquez sur le lien et voilà!
A partir de janvier jusqu’au juin, je propose mes ateliers mensuels a le studio de yoga Om Sweet Om, 17 ou 19 rue Camille Desmoulins, Paris 11,  à metro Voltaire. LEs stages durent 2H30, et je propose une thème différente chaque mois. Le planning est:
dim 26 jan 2020 Studio Om Sweet Om 19
dim. 23 feb 2020 Studio Om Sweet Om 19
dim. 29 mars 2020 Studio Om Sweet Om 17
dim. 26 avril 2020 Studio Om Sweet Om 19
dim. 31 mai 2020 Studio Om Sweet Om 19
dim. 21 juin 2020 Studio Om Sweet Om 19

Louisa Raszyk est professeur de yoga et mouvement,  et thérapeute de shiatsu. Elle travaille exclusivement dans la domaine de mouvement et mouvement thérapie depuis 25 ans. Elle travaille en individuel et en groupe, en retraite et en ligne, et elle était là fondateur de Red Earth Centre París, centre de recherche psycho corporelle de 2004-2019.

Louisa enseigne les débutants, les professeurs, et les personnes avec besoins spécifiques (maladie, mobilité réduite, traitement lourde etc).

Bali retreat with Louisa

Louisa’s next yoga and somatic awareness retreat in Bali is September 10 – 17, 2020, at the magical, remote north coast retreat of Villa Boreh. This is a wonderful opportunity to explore the deep sensitivity and intelligence of somatic awareness in an authentic retreat situation, away from the demands and distractions of your daily life.

Online classes Thursday evenings, open to all!

I’m very happy to announce a new online class, Thursday nights 18H30 – 19H45. For students who don’t live in Paris or who prefer to practice at home, this is a perfect solution. Participation is very simple – email me redearthcentre@gmail.com, I will send you the Zoom link. Position your screen so I can see your mat and around it, click on the link an voilà you’re in the virtual classroom, where I can see each student on my screen.

Hope to see you there!


(textile print, Barbara Women’s Centre, Arnhem Land NT Australia)


Somatic Awareness Workshops and Retreats 2019/20

Monthly Sunday afternoon workshops @ Paris 

The monthly Sunday afternoon workshops (13H30 – 16H, Paris, 50€) explore different yoga and movement themes each month :

Sunday 13th October 2019 @ Canal Central, 12 rue Lucien Sampaix, Paris 10

Sunday 10th November 2019 @ Canal Central, 12 rue Lucien Sampaix, Paris 10

Sunday 8th December 2019 @ Canal Central, 12 rue Lucien Sampaix, Paris 10

Sunday 26 Jan. 2020 Studio Om Sweet Om 19 rue Camille Desmoulins, Paris 11

Sunday 23 Feb. 2020 Studio Om Sweet Om 19 rue Camille Desmoulins, Paris 11

Sunday 29 March 2020 Studio Om Sweet Om 17 rue Camille Desmoulins Paris 11

Sunday 26 April 2020 Studio Om Sweet Om 19 rue Camille Desmoulins Paris 11

Sunday 31 May 2020 Studio Om Sweet Om 19 rue Camille Desmoulins, Paris 11

Sunday 21 June 2020 Studio Om Sweet Om 19 rue Camille Desmoulins, Paris 11

Yoga retreat : 

Returning just now from my annual retreat in Bali, I am very happy to announce the dates for next year : 10-17 september 2020 (€1350 all included except flights), bookings now open!

INFO/RESA : 06 10 89 76 04  /. redearthcentre@gmail.com

(photo textile Barbara Women’s Centre, Northern Territory, Australia)

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