Workshop “Empty hand massage” February 28th – 10am to 6pm

Empty hand massage

with Mac McEvoy

Sunday February 28th – 10am to 6pm


Would you like to:

Learn how to communicate more deeply with your partner or friends?

Learn a skill that complements your yoga practice?

Just have fun for a day?

Empty Hand Massage Training Sunday 28th February Red Earth Centre

Most massage seeks to do or change something. This is different. It is about simply being with another person, communicating through meditative touch. ‘Empty Hand’ means touching with no intention. In this course we will explore how to deepen that touch, to begin to explore the mystery of another person’s feeling. Feeling not separate, feeling connected, feeling whole.

Mutual trust and respect are fundamental to being able to give and receive an impersonally loving touch. This course is not sexual or in any way intrusive or exposing. The emphasis is on gentleness and warmth, celebrating openness but cultivating sensitivity.

On this one day course you will learn how to give a simple, but complete and satisfying, whole body massage. Everyone will receive a certificate and a detailed set of notes.

About Mac

My interest in massage has developed over the last twenty years together with that in yoga and meditation. They seem to fit naturally together. I have studied a wide variety of forms, from Swedish massage through Thai and Ayervedic techniques.

My main influence recently has been Ma Sagarpriya DeLong with whom I have studied intensively for several years. Ma Sagarpriya is a world-renowned master of intuitive massage and the author of several books on the subject. She confirmed for me the notion that massage works best when not attempting to do or fix anything but rather as a profound form of joint meditation through touch, a celebration of being.

Tarif: 80 € (before February 1st)/ 90€ (after February 1st)

Registration open, places limited


07 82 92 45 97

“Xandranamaskar” (moon salutation) December 19th, 15:00 to 18:00

Workshops “Back to Basics”

Saturday, December 19th – 15;00 to 18:00

Xandranamaskar (moon salutation)


Just before the holidays come and discover this soft and dynamic sequence.

Xandramaskar helps not only to warm up but specially to awaken and discover the intelligence of the body.

Xandranamaskar is the base sequence of the Dynamic Yoga Training Method. Many variations can be developed through this sequence, going from the obvious to the more subtle, from the easier to the more difficult in a harmonic and gradual progression (vinyasakrama).

In this workshop, led by Sergio, Xandranamaskar will be presented, explored and discussed in a way that eventually it can become a base for a more sensitive self practice.

Open to all levels, specially interesting for those who just begun with the Dynamic Yoga classes or for those who wish to incorporate themselves to the regular Dynamic Yoga classes. Also fruitful to more experienced practicionners wishing to uncover the delights of a more subtle and sensitive practice!




Tarif: 30 € (reserved)/ 35 € (drop in)

Workshop in French (English possible)

Registration open:
07 82 92 45 97


Immersion Module 5 “Deepening”

Deepening, Immersion 5:


This last module of five,  led by yoga master Godfrey Devereux focusses on applying the Seven Universal Actions of Yoga Posture Praxis by way of the Dynamics of Integrity to a range of deepening postures. These include backbends and simple arm balances for strengthening and integrating the body, and inversions for refining neuromuscular integrity and deepening internalisation. This immersion is open to anyone, teachers as well as pratititioners, interested in developing deep biomechnical integrity for application in more challenging postures

ATTENTION: Only two places available for this module! A previous contact with the Dynamic Yoga Training Method is required to participate in this last module!

Registration open for all modules. Places very limited!

Module full (4 days) : 380 €
Weekend only (2 days) : 200€
Only posture practice classes (9:30 to ca. 12:00) 45 €/class (only possible if beginning on Saturday)
Information et inscription
07 82 92 45 97
09 50 31 57 25

Immersion Module 4 “Opening” 14th to 17th November

OliviabandhaBased entirely on action and experience, the Dynamic Yoga Immersions constitute a comprehensive grounding in yoga posture praxis that can serve as a powerful basis for both satisfying self-praxis and effective teaching.

Led by Senior Dynamic Yoga Trainer Olivia Crooks assisted in Paris by Sergio Teodosio, each of the five modules is complete in itself, and supported by comprehensive notes on yoga posture praxis.

Each module can be attended individually.

The Immersion Modules are open to those who would like to deepen their understanding of yoga practise (which includes those even beginning their journey of yoga) and to those wishing to teach (or already teaching) yoga. Completion of all four immersion modules will make you eligible to continue on to the dynamic yoga ‘Teaching Skills’, 3 week, residential course in France in August 2015. Which is a 400hr Teacher training.

OPENING IMMERSION FOUR: focusses on using the Seven Universal Actions of Yoga Posture Praxis to develope the power, flexibility and resilience of the spine and its supporting musculature. You will learn how to apply the Dynamics of Integrity to mobilise and strengthen the spine as the core of the body, and the heart of yoga posture praxis. This immersion presents the dynamic extended flow of Suryanamaskr, and is open to anyone, teachers as well as pratititioners, interested in the bionechanical and energetic integrity of the bodimind. It is especially fruitful for newcomers to yoga posture praxis, and anyone who considers themselves to be an advanced practitioner.

Next Date for the immersions at the Red Earth Centre:


Module 5 – Deepening, 12th to 15th December 2015 (with Godfrey Devereux!)

ATTENTION: this last module is nearly full, please act quickly if you like to attend. Las module only open to students with a base in the Dynamic Yoga Training Method.

Registration open for all modules. Places very limited!


Module full (4 days) : 380 €
Weekend only (2 days) : 200€

Only posture practice classes (9:30 to ca. 12:00) 45 €/class (only possible if beginning on Saturday)

Information et inscription
07 82 92 45 97
09 50 31 57 25
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Open doors at the Red Earth Centre – September 27th 2015

The Red Earth Centre opens its doors on Sunday, September 27th for a whole afternoon of free classes!

Red Earth Centre

Everyone is Welcome, all classes are suitable for all levels! If you don’t have the code, just contact us !

Planning Porte ouverte septembre 2015 (classes are around 50 minutes long)

13:00 Strala Yoga – Sophie

14:00 Hatha Yoga -Dinusha

15:00 Soft Vinyasa flow – Miranda

16:00 Hatha Yoga – Christina

17:00 Mouvement dansé – Hella

18:00 Méthode Feldenkrais – Elise

19:00 Meditation – Sergio (30′)

Places are limited for all classes, please think about coming around 1o minutes before the beginning of the class you wish to visit. Places are given in a “first come, first served” policy.

Dynamic Yoga Immersion Modules: “Releasing” – October 3rd to 6th


In 2015 the Red Earth Centre will host the Dynamic Yoga immersion modules with senior dynamic yoga trainer Olivia Crooks. A unique opportunity in Paris not to miss.

RELEASING IMMERSION THREE: focusses on using the Seven Universal Actions of Yoga Posture Praxis to release the spine and its supporting musculature from habituated tension so that the body as whole becomes more stable and integrated. You will learn how to apply the Dynamics of Integrity to open and release the body while internalising and clarifying the mind. This immersion has a strong emphasis on forward bends, and is open to anyone, teachers as well as pratititioners, interested in the biomechanical and energetic integrity of the bodimind.It is especially fruitful for newcomers to yoga posture praxis, and anyone who considers themselves to be an advanced practitioner.


Based entirely on action and experience, the Dynamic Yoga Immersions constitute a comprehensive grounding in yoga posture praxis that can serve as a powerful basis for both satisfying self-praxis and effective teaching.

Led by Senior Dynamic Yoga Trainer Olivia Crooks each of the five modules is complete in itself, and supported by comprehensive notes on yoga posture praxis.

Each module can be attended individually.

The Immersion Modules are open to those who would like to deepen their understanding of yoga practise (which includes those even beginning their journey of yoga) and to those wishing to teach (or already teaching) yoga. Completion of all four immersion modules will make you eligible to continue on to the dynamic yoga ‘Teaching Skills’, 3 week, residential course in France in August 2015. Which is a 400hr Teacher training.

Dates for all modules in 2015:
Module – Nourishing, 21st – 24th February 2015

Module – Integrating, 18th-21st April 2015

Module – Releasing , 13th – 16th June 2015

Module – Opening, 3rd to 6th October 2015

Module – Deepening, 12th to 15th December 2015 (with Godfrey Devereux!)

Registration open for all modules. Places very limited!


Module full (4 days) : 380 €
Weekend only (2 days) : 200€

Only posture practice classes (9:30 to ca. 12:00) 45 €/class (only possible if beginning on Saturday)

Information et inscription
07 82 92 45 97
09 50 31 57 25

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Urban retreat with Sergio, September 5th and 6th

Urban retreat with Sergio !

Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th September 10:00 to 18:00
2015-02-22 14.27.33What is an urban retreat?

Half way between a conventional retreat and a workshop, an urban retreat offers the possibility to spend two days together, practicing yoga, eating, chatting and meditating. At the end of each day each one goes back home to sleep. Find the spirit of a retreat in town.

An urban retreat is an intelligent way to easy the transition between the holidays and everyday life.



Structure of each day

10:00 to 13:00 Yoga posture practice and savasan
13:00 to 14:45 Lunch together and resting time
15:00 à 18:00 Explorations and a short practice/meditation

During the afternoons we will concentrate in the exploration of the different aspects that could help us clarify the own practice and find eventually a regularity in our personal practice adjusting it to our availability.

We will have lunch together, I will cook tasty and healthy vegan and gluten free meals. Meals are included in the price.

We will have herbal tea and fruits permanently during the retreat.

Reservation mandatory, places limited to only 10 people

General tariff: 120 € whole weekend and meals
Tariff “early bird”: 100 € reserving and paying before August 26th

ATTENTION:  For this retreat I will need two “Karma Yogis” to help me with the organisation and the cooking. If you are interested, please  contact me ( . The Karma Yogis will be able to participate in all activities. Special Fee!

Inscription and information

Les salons au Red Earth Centre – Salon 3: danse and music

Les salons au Red EarLes salons 3th Centre

On Saturday July 18th from 8pm on we have the pleasure to receive  Louisa Raszyk and Achim Schulz for a soirée of danse and music.

As always we offer something to drink and some snacks!

Don’t miss this salon which is the last one before the holidays.

Entrance free, collection

Workshop: “Integrity towards standing postures”

Saturday July 18th – 3pm to 6pm

2014-12-09 12.28.17


During this workshop Sergio will guide you through a conscious and sensible somatic enquiry towards the standing postures developping the integrity that is necessary to approach them with ease.

The workshop is open to all levels of practice and it can be fruitful for beginners as well as for more experienced practicioners.

Inscription open

Places limited!

Tarif: 30 € (booked in advance)/ 35 € (drop in)

Moving into stillness – a workshop with Louisa Raszyk

Moving into stillness

Louisa Raszyk - dynamic yoga, shiatsu, Australian bushflower essences, founder of Red Earth Centre

Saturday 4th July 2pm – 5pm

What is yoga and why do we practice ? How can I develop a personal practice ?

These are questions I am often asked by students, so I have developed this workshop to address these questions with discussion, and with yoga posture practice based on the Dynamic Yoga Method.

Tarifs: 35€ prebooked, 40€ drop-in

Information and booking :  /

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