Second Salon. “Here we are” reading and music

Les salons au Red Earth Centre

“Here we are” by Amy Hollowell

Friday, June 26th from 8pm




We have the great pleasure to receive Amy Hollowell at the Red Earth Centre.

Amy will read poems from her new book and Achim Schulz will play beautiful music on the harpsichord.

There will be wine and some little snacks to eat.

Entrance free – volontary contribution



Workshop “Namaskara” with Sergio – May 30th – 3pm to 6pm


A 3 hour long workshop in which the sensible and conscious journey from Xandranamaskar (moon salutation) and some of it’s variations, towards the somehow more demanding Suryanamaskar (sun salutation) will be explored. Not as a goal but as an enquiry allowing always the intelligence of the body to be our guide.

All levels are welcome, feel free to contact me if you have any questions.






Tarif 30 € (booked in avance) / 35 € (drop – in)
Inscription opened. Limited places!

Information & inscription
07 82 92 45 97
09 50 31 57 25

Workshop with Godfrey Devereux in Paris



We are thrilled to announce that Godfrey will be back in Paris to teach a Dynamic Yoga and Tantra Yoga workshop at the Red Earth Centre. Don’t miss this unique opportunity!

On Friday, March 13th, we’ll have a special evening get together in which Godfrey will read some of his poems and music will sound on the harpsichord.

Registration is open for the workshop, places are very limited, reservation required.

Workshops are suitable for all levels!






13th, 14th and 15th March 2015

Friday evening Soirée spéciale

Saturday 10.00-13.30 Dynamic yoga: Integrity and Integration
The Dynamic Yoga Training Method harnesses the natural intelligence of body, mind and consciousness to release both body and mind from the restrictions that limit them. This session will clarify the Core Actions of the method that lead to integrity and integration.

Saturday 15.30-18.30 Pranayama
Deep release, deep freedom are not possible while the breath remain subject to the power of habit and intention, however unconscious. Pranayama is the art of deep release of emotional and cognitive limitations through intimacy with the breath. This session will focus on releasing the breath from all effort, intention and habit, so that the mind also can let go into the deep intelligence and power of consciousness.

Sunday 10.00-13.30 Tantra yoga
The systematic sensitisation of the bodimind through subtle, refined action can be used to access, awaken and circulate the deep power of sexual energy. This session will explore the somatic practices that unlock the healing power of sexual energy as a process of deep psychosomatic and spiritual release.

Sunday 15.30-18.30 Tantric meditation
The heart of Tantra is not sex but meditation. Nevertheless the deep power of sexual energy must be integrated consciously if it is not to lead to problems obvious and subtle. This session will explore the healing, nourishing and liberating possibilities presented by awakening sexual energy within the context of meditation.

Tarifs, infos and bookings:

1 session 50 €
2 sessions 90 €
3 sessions 130€
all 4 sessions 150 €

We’ll ask for a 6€ collaboration for Friday’s, March 13th special evening.

(+33) 07 82 92 45 97

“Back to Basics” at the Red Earth Centre


The team in charge of the “Lunchtime yoga” classes at the Red Earth Centre: Christina Yu, Miranda Perkins, Dinusha Amarasekara  and Sergio Teodosio will offer, from November on, a series of 4 mini workshops per month.

The “Back to Basics” workshops are directed to absolute beginners but also to experienced practicioners who would like to deepen into different aspects of yoga posture practice.

Workshops are open to everyone!

Each workshop will focus on one or two themes, there will be time to ask questions and maybe, find some answers.

Dates :

All workshops between 16:00 et 18:00

Saturday 22nd November 2014 – Sergio “The seven universal actions and the simple shoulderstand”
Saturday 20th December 2014 –  Miranda “Awakening and exploring our ability to listen”
Saturday 31st January 2015 – Christina “Breathe new life into your yoga”
Saturday 14th February 2015 – Dinusha “Relieve the tension of all part of the body by asanas and breathing”

Tarifs :

20 € /workshop (réserved in advance)
25 €/ stage (drop in)

Places limited, it is recommended to reserve in advance!

Regristration open to all workshops!

Information & Inscription:
09 50 31 57 25
07 82 92 45 97

New! Lunchtime yoga at the Red Earth Centre

Lunchtime yoga (New!)

Wish to relax during an hour and at the same time recharge your bateries for the afternoon?
Red Earth Centre proposea, from Monday October 6ht one hour lunchtime classes with Christina, Miranda, Dinusha and Sergio:

All classes 12:15 à 13:15, all classes all levels welcome

Monday “Hatha yoga” with Christina
Tuesday”Dynamic yoga” with Sergio
Wednesday “Vinyasa soft flow” with Miranda
Friday “Hatha yoga dynamique” with Dinusha

Tarifs lunchtime yoga classes (valid for all lunchtime classes)
Trial class 8 €
Single class 14 €
10 class card valid 3 mois 110 €

1 month lunchtime unlimited 100 €


Free Yoga class with Angela Collins

Special FREE class
Angela Collins (Berlin) is visiting Paris on

Wednesday October 8th 18:00 – 19:30
Venez nombreuses/eux !

Angela Collins

“Endorphin Vinyasa” – an uplifting, energising class, that uses Forrest Inspired Asana and Creative Flow Sequencing

Class Language: English.

About the Teacher.

Angela is a Sydney born RYS Certified Yoga Teacher, living and teaching Yoga in Berlin.
She first was introduced to Yoga at age 16 working with an touring Theatre company in Sydney, then later at University she trained in Yoga once more, but it was not until the after the birth of her son that she decided to use Yoga as a path to healing.

Trained in Vinyasa/Hatha Flow and a graduate of Advanced Teacher Training in Forrest Yoga Advanced Teacher training with – Angela also draws on her previous studies in Contemporary Dance , Butoh, Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais, Breathwork with Sound, and Body work to create dynamic classes accessible to everyone.

Angela has also had the pleasure to train with Kathryn Budig, Mark Stephens and Kino McGregor.

Her classes focus on a holistic approach to healing- to create strong yet flexible minds and bodies.

Please write or call for the code – reservation recommended!

Classes begin today!

Schedule September 2014 – July 2015


6pm. Dynamic yoga all levels –  Sergio

7:45pm. Dynamic yoga all levels –  Sergio


7:30pm. traditional Hatha Yoga – Keshar


7:45pm. Dynamic yoga all levels –  Sergio


12:30am. Dynamic yoga all levels –  Sergio

7:30pm. Hatha Yoga – Aloys


9:30am. Dynamic yoga all levels –  Sergio

6pm. Restorative Dynamic yoga –  Sergio

7:45pm. Zazen Meditation – Amy


10:30am. Dynamic yoga all levels –  Sergio

Check also for the workshops!

Call 09 50 31 57 25 or write for the code!

Red Earth Centre welcomes Sergio Iglesias

colin driving









Hello all,

So here we are again at the end of the year – it went by so fast! I wanted to share some news of the centre before the big August break.

The BIG news, as most of you already know, is that I will be leaving Paris in September to spend some time with my family in Australia. I will continue whilst there the exciting project of translating Godfrey Devereux’s interpretation of the Yoga Sutras with my partner Benoit (soon to be published by Synchronique Editions).
Since there are no other Dynamic Yoga teachers in Paris, I am bringing an excellent Dynamic Yoga teacher from Switzerland to take care of you in that wonderful Dynamic Yoga way! Sergio Iglesias ( will start classes in the rentrée from the 8th of September. He is a longterm, experienced practitioner and teacher, and he will maintain the present schedule, adding an extra class – Wednesdays 19H30.
I will still be here in September for a few weeks, and I am organising an Open Day on Sunday 14th September, where you can come and take a class with Sergio, and say hello!
My last class will be tomorrow, Monday 28th July 19H45. The centre will be closed, as every year, during the month of August.
The centre will reopen on Monday 8th September at 18H, with Sergio’s first class of the rentrée.
I hope to see you soon – either at my classes in the coming days, or at the Open Day September 14th.

Have a great summer!


Teen Yoga Training at Red Earth Centre Oct. 2014

I am very happy to announce Paris’s first Teen Yoga training at Red Earth Centre in the fall.

This training aims to develop the practice of yoga in schools and to communicate the benefits of yoga to a specific and fascinating age group : adolescents.

The course is a 5 day, Yoga Alliance accredited course, developed by Neuroscientists, Psychologists, Teachers and Medical Doctors over the last 10 years and presented in over 100 schools in the UK and abroad.

From 20 to 24 October 2014  9h – 17h

at Red Earth Centre, 235, rue Lafayette, Paris 10

The training is open to:

–  Yoga teachers

–  Professeurs d’EPS

  • –  Social workers and educators
  • –  Anyone who practices yoga and works with, or wishes to work with, adolescents.
  • This course will cover:
    • physical development
    • mental development (neuroscience)
    • psychological development and theories of adolescence
    • behavioural management
    • mindfulness techniques
    • how to structure a 10, 20, 30 or 60 minute class
    • how to introduce philosophical discourse involving yoga philosophy
    • how to introduce meditation
    • how to teach pranayama and asana
  • Stage bilingue (Français / Anglais)
    For more information, or to register, please contact:
  • Sophie : 0619714239 –
    Charlotta : +44 1761 470658 –
  • Charlotta Martinus is a Yoga Therapist for the NHS in the UK, a secondary school teacher, and a yoga teacher for the last 10 years. She runs her own yoga and retreat centre and devised and teaches the course since 2004. In the past she also worked at the BBC as a TV producer and now is a regular contributor to the UK yoga Om Magazine.
  • Charlotta_Martinus-183x138

Room To Read at Red Earth Centre June 2014

A big thankyou to all the students who came along to class on June 7th for Room To Read. We raised 135€ for this wonderful charity ( which educates girls in Africa and Asia. 135€ almost pays for an entire year’s school fees for one girl!


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