Saturday morning class starting again with Louisa from Sept. 28th

Hi Everyone!
Having received a lot of requests about Saturday morning class, I have decided to continue the class 10H30 – 12 Dynamic Yoga for all levels. Please come along, it’s a great way to start the weekend feeling relaxed and energised!
I will start from the 28th September, since next Saturday is the Dynamic Yoga workshop with Jo Kemp which you MUST NOT MISS!!
See you soon !

Dynamic Yoga workshops with Jo Kemp at Red Earth Centre


 I am first in line for this workshop!

I am thrilled to announce that senior Dynamic Yoga teacher Jo Kemp will be giving two workshops in Paris at the Red Earth Centre:  Saturday September 21st 9.30am – 1pm “The Spine”, and Sunday September 22nd 2pm- 5.30pm “The Dynamic Yoga Experience”.  Jo has been practicing and studying yoga exclusively for more than 20 years, trains teachers and runs her own studio in Sitges, Spain She is one of only five senior Dynamic Yoga teachers.

I cannot recommend these workshops highly enough – please don’t miss this wonderful opportunity. Please read on for details.

Saturday September 21st 9.30am – 1pm “The Spine”:

The spine is central to our movement and experience. When the spine is carrying unhelpful and habitual postural and movement patterns the experience of our body can be less than pleasurable and we can often find ourselves in pain and discomfort or lacking in mobility.

In this workshop we explore specific sequencing to bring release to muscles that may overwork and awaken muscles that may be inactive.  Moving towards balancing, mobilising and finally strengthening the spine.

Using yoga posture practice and pranayama  we are guided to a deepened level of intimacy with the sensations in and around the spine, sensitising the mind to what’s actually happening in our unique bodymind.

If yoga posture practice is to release us from the imprints of life held  within our structure and musculature, i.e high shoes, bags on one shoulder, accumulation of hours on the computer. It needs to be undertaken with a keen sense of listening to the whispers of sensation within the spine so that each movement and posture is a nourishing response to the needs of the spine. It needs to be undertaken with a sound knowledge of the actions needed in order for all parts of the body to fully support each other and the central core of movement  which is the spine.

The workshop will include posture practice, pranayama, relaxation and clarifying discussion, exploration and demonstration.

Suitable for all levels of practitioner from those newly exploring yoga to advanced practitioners and teachers.

Sunday September 22nd 2pm- 5.30pm “The Dynamic Yoga Experience”:

Dynamic yoga supports a process of awakening on all levels.

It is a kind, intuitive and nourishing practice grounded in sound universal principles. Principles that gently re- calibrate and re-integrate the body, and also importantly begins a steady process of internalisation and potent inquiry.

A subtle somatic (of the body) method that supports a deeper understanding of the body, mind, and a deeper relaxation into what we are.

Suitable for all levels of practitioner from those newly exploring yoga to advanced practitioners and teachers.

cost: 50€ per workshop, or 85€ for both

to reserve your place:  /  06 10 89 76 04


Yin Yoga with Sebastian Pucelle Red Earth Centre Oct. 26/27 2013

YinYoga-Snail-PoseCome and join us to practice YIN YOGA with Sebastian Pucelle ( at Red Earth Centre
with 3 workshops on 19-20 Octobre 2013.

Saturday 26th October from 14h00 to 17h00:

Theory : Study the 3 Tattvas (Principle) of Yin Yoga, Understand the Concepts of Yin Yoga Vs Yang Yoga

Practice : Yin Yoga sequence to free your Spine

Sunday 27th October from 10h00 to 13h00

Theory : Explore the 3 main tissues for Yoga practice (os, muscles, tissues connectif), Discover Tension Vs Compression (Limitations of all the Asanas)

Practice : Yin Yoga Sequence to open the hips

Sunday 27th October from 15h00 to 18h00

Theory : Understand the relation between Yoga and Meditation (Raja Yoga & The 8 Limbs of Patanjali)

Practice : Yin Yoga, Pranayama, et Méditation

Fee: 55 Euros for 1 workshop, 95 Euros for 2 workshops or 130 for the 3 Early bird price get 10% discount when booked before the 19 Aout 2013

Please contact Christine on 0626565192 / Email :



from Australia to you…

colin driving







I am back from a wonderful stay in Australia, I just love that place! I spent many beautiful moments practicing yoga on the beach and in the full nature that only an isolated Australian place can offer. I feel completely inspired and resourced, and impatient to see my students again!
My maternity leave drawing to a close, and I will be back to my yoga and shiatsu schedule from Monday September 2nd. The centre, as every year, is closed throughout the month of August and classes recommence from the beginning of September, with new classes and workshops. Enjoy the rest of the summer, and see you soon!


Atelier: Understanding energy and its effects in your body

Chinese medical meridian map, reference for shiatsu practitioners.Un stage d’une journée pour apprendre à pratiquer des exercices énergétiques animé par Junnon Merigoux.

Ce stage s’adresse aux tous qui s’intéressent à comprendre « l’énergie » et manipulation énergètique; les thérapeutes ou les coach, qui s’intéressent pour pouvoir apporter plus à vos clients, les professeurs du yoga pour la partie chakra et aura, ceux qui ont des soucis de santé, vous allez apprendre à corriger vous même la base d’énergie importante qui doit être corrigé pour rendre efficace tout les autre technique vous choissez d’entreprendre, dont les médicaments.

Le stage va se morceler les connaissances et l’expérience de Junnon sur la vision orientale des circuits énergétiques (méridiens), énergies subtiles et magnétiques de notre corps, et comment ces notions ont évolué aux Etats-Unis où elle a été formée. On va comprendre par les démonstrations et les jeux, et vous partez avec des outils importants.

Junnon sera heureuse de partager la base théorique et la pratique des exercices qu’elle a  choisi pour ce stage, afin de vous sensibiliser et vous donner des outils concrets en rapport avec le thème de « l’énergie ». On va apprendre aussi l’utilisation de EFT, avec plus de points pour le rendre encore efficace.

La médecine Orientale a été développée depuis des temps très anciens en se basant sur l’étude des êtres vivants, et non pas sur l’étude de corps morts (anatomie via dissection). Elle se concentre donc sur l’énergie vitale. Junnon  démontrera les énergies visuellement.

DATE : samedi 8 juin 2013 13h-18h

TARIF : 85 euros

INFO/RESA: 06 04 18 29 73 /  /


Prenatal Yoga at Red Earth Centre with Tatiana Abbey featured in Esprit Yoga

photo-3Our wonderful prenatal, postnatal, and baby massage teacher, Tatiana Abbey features in this months’ Esprit Yoga magazine.

To see Tatiana’s full schedule, see

Dynamic Yoga Retreat with Louisa Raszyk in Bali, 21st – 27th July, 2013

001I am thrilled to announce that I am organising a yoga retreat on the beautiful island of Bali! Come and practice yoga daily with me at the secluded and stunning Villa Boreh retreat centre.

We will start the day with gentle deep awakening into movement through a three hour breath awareness, sitting, and postural class. For three afternooons I will offer restorative/therapeutic class. Re-store, re-source, re-connect.

Deep yoga, freshly prepared vegetarian meals, ocean, lush tropical gardens, childcare available…what more could you want?

The retreat is appropriate for all levels of practice.

I hope to see you there!

Yoga and Shiatsu for Spring – Energy and Inspiration!

Spring is coming ! Are you feeling inspired about life ? Excited ? Do you feel like breaking out of old ruts, starting new projects and embarking on new adventures ?

All of these feelings are, according to Chinese medicine, related to the spring element of wood, and the liver and gall bladder meridians.

Nourish your need for change, your inspiration and your enthusiasm for life with a spring detox and inspire workshop. We will explore the enormous potential of spring energy in our bodies with yoga and shiatsu techniques specifically developed for nourishing the liver and gall bladder ; shaking off the old winter energy and opening up to the new year ahead smoothly and effectively !

With Louisa Raszyk, shiatsu and yoga practitioner with over 20 years’ experience, and founder of Red Earth Centre.

Saturday 13th April 2013, 2pm-5.30pm at Red Earth Centre. 45€.

Contact Louisa Raszyk to reserve your place:  0610897604 /

One Billion Rising (and one)

« one in three women on the planet will be raped or beaten in her lifetime…one billion women, one billion rising »


It’s been a few weeks now I’ve been hearing about an event called One Billion Rising :  a global event inviting women to dance together, to come together in an expression of soldarity against the phenomenal global violence against women.


In November last year I gave birth to my beautiful daughter, Lila. I often talk to her, tell her stories, tell her my thoughts. I often tell her that she is a lucky one, born in Paris in the 21st century. She is welcome as a girl ; she will have an education ; she will be able to love and marry whomever she chooses ; she will be able to wear whatever she chooses ; she will be able to choose and express her religion, her  beliefs, her opinions ; whether or not to have a family ; she will be able to walk in the street, catch a bus, travel, without fear of attack.


Things could so easily have been very different.


For myself and for my daughter, and in an effort to support all these millions of women around the planet in their daily struggle, I will be rising (with Lila !) on Thursday 14th February.

Please rise with us !

Happy End of the Year and Beginning of a New One!!

19th December

Hello everyone !
Wishing you lots of love and fun for Christmas and New Year, here snuggled up with my lovely little girl Lila Star, four weeks old today !
The schedule will continue as usual except there will be no classes on Monday 24th December, nor Monday, 31st December.
The commercialisation of Christmas is tiring, even offensive for many people, but it’s nice to give a gift, right ?! So, Red Earth Centre has some ideas !!  Who would not love a shiatsu or yoga session, especially after the festive season ?? See the « boutique » on the Red Earth Centre site for Red Earth gift vouchers online – shiatsu, yoga or Bushflower essence consultations.
And if you prefer something beautiful and literary, the outstanding publishing house Synchronique Editions has some new releases (please see below).

Voilà ! Have a wonderful Christmas and I look forward to seeing you in 2013, when I will return progressively to work from mid/end February.

With love,

Code réduction sur le site des éditions Synchronique : NOEL2012

Les Bouddhas de la Galerie Céleste:
Album grand format (35,5 x 25 cm) de peintures de tanka et mandalas tibétains de Romio Shrestha, supports visuels à la méditation. Les commentaires de Ian Baker sont une introduction aux concepts-clés et aux déités du bouddhisme tibétain. (28,50€)
Voir ce titre


Tao Te King (édition illustrée de calligraphies originales, format poche, reliée)
Lao-tseu – Traduction de Stephen Mitchell – Calligraphies de Ou Yang Jiao Jia
Le Tao Te King, le Livre de la Voie et de la Vertu, écrit au VIe siècle avant J.-C. par Lao-tseu, est un classique de la sagesse chinoise, l’ouvrage fondateur du taoïsme. La superbe traduction de Stephen Mitchell est ici proposée dans un format poche pour l’emmener partout avec soi. Les calligraphies originales de Ou Yang Jiao Jia donnent encore plus de sens et de beauté au texte. L’esprit de Lao-tseu prend forme dans les gestes du calligraphe…(12,90€)
Voir ce titre


Le Tao Te King des parents – Sagesse ancienne pour parents d’aujourd’hui
Lao-tseu, William Martin
William Martin réinterprète avec fraîcheur et finesse le Tao Te King pour répondre clairement et directement au plus grand défi d´aujourd´hui: être parents, et propose une alternative revigorante aux livres pratiques qui assènent au lecteur d’innombrables «tu dois» et «il ne faut pas». (14€)
Voir ce titre

Le Tao Te King du couple – Sagesse ancienne pour amants d’aujourd’hui
Lao-tseu, William Martin
William Martin, pour qui “La relation d´amour entre deux êtres peut être l´aventure la plus enrichissante et la plus belle récompense qui soit”, réinterprète le Tao Te King de Lao-tseu au profit de la vie à deux. Le Tao Te King du couple va droit à l´essentiel : sans multiplier les règles et les marches à suivre, il propose dans un texte teinté de poésie une réflexion sur l´amour et ce qui importe vraiment au sein d´un couple.  (14€)
Voir ce titre


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