Red Earth Centre is 10 Years Old!!

Red Earth CentreHello everyone, party news and spring news !

It is 10 years ago this spring that the Red Earth Centre opened its doors, now I do believe that deserves a CELEBRATION !!

In order to mark this momentous event, I invite you all to join me on the afternoon of Saturday 24th May at the centre from 4pm – 7pm for an afternoon tea/aperitif Red Earth Centre style. Which means, come along, bring something or nothing, bring your kids, friends, grannies, families, pets, and enjoy a gathering, it’s been a while since such an event at the centre. Let me know if you will be coming !

Other news at the centre – the centre is open all the long weekends in May and I will be teaching all holiday Thursdays my usual 12noon class. So come along and enjoy a nice deep yoga session on your day off ! Miranda will replace me Friday 2nd, Saturday 3rd, and Dinusha will repalce me Saturday 10th. Apart from that , I will give all long weekend classes as usual.

I am thrilled to anounce that Red Earth Centre will be participating in the wonderful Room To Read programme this year. All proceeds from my class Saturday 7th June 10H30 will be given to this highly respected charity which educates girls in Asia and Africa ( . Did you know that it only costs 181€ to educate a girl for one year in the Room To Read programme? SO COME ALONG, the 17€ that you pay for class will go entirely to Room To Read.

Due to popular demand, Kids’ Yoga is back ! Sharon Bales will be teaching Kidding Around style kids’ yoga classes at the centre on Thursdays from 5pm – 6pm (except holiday Thursdays) til the end of the school year. Contact Sharon Bales for further information and registration :  tel.

And last but not least, a glimpse of what is to come in October – it’s early to annouce it but this is an exciting programme for me – Teen Yoga training (the first in Paris !) with the truly committed and comprehensive

So with all this activity at the centre, I hope to see you soon. Enjoy the spring !



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