Red Earth Centre welcomes Sergio Iglesias

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Hello all,

So here we are again at the end of the year – it went by so fast! I wanted to share some news of the centre before the big August break.

The BIG news, as most of you already know, is that I will be leaving Paris in September to spend some time with my family in Australia. I will continue whilst there the exciting project of translating Godfrey Devereux’s interpretation of the Yoga Sutras with my partner Benoit (soon to be published by Synchronique Editions).
Since there are no other Dynamic Yoga teachers in Paris, I am bringing an excellent Dynamic Yoga teacher from Switzerland to take care of you in that wonderful Dynamic Yoga way! Sergio Iglesias ( will start classes in the rentrée from the 8th of September. He is a longterm, experienced practitioner and teacher, and he will maintain the present schedule, adding an extra class – Wednesdays 19H30.
I will still be here in September for a few weeks, and I am organising an Open Day on Sunday 14th September, where you can come and take a class with Sergio, and say hello!
My last class will be tomorrow, Monday 28th July 19H45. The centre will be closed, as every year, during the month of August.
The centre will reopen on Monday 8th September at 18H, with Sergio’s first class of the rentrée.
I hope to see you soon – either at my classes in the coming days, or at the Open Day September 14th.

Have a great summer!


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