Monthly Archives: November 2016

Godfrey Devereux à Paris – Avril 2017

Workshops with Godfrey Devereux in Paris



Workshops with Godfrey Devereux in Paris at the Red Earth Centre

Friday, April 21st – 18:30 to 21:00
Ujjayi breathing as a seated practice

This short workshop will expose the myths and clarify the muscular and energetic dynamics of Ujjayi breathing.
Price: 30 €

Saturday, April 22nd – 10:00 to 18:00 (lunch break included)
Standing postures

Standing poses provide deep structural integration for the whole body, whilst being simultaneously energising and grounding. Nevertheless, their structural complexities demand intelligent preparation for the whole body, if local stresses and strains are to be avoided. This workshop, in two parts, will present a comprehensive vinyasakrama to prepare the whole body, and mind, for the challenge of asymmetrical standing poses, so that their power can be accessed. Open to anyone, regardless of experience.
Price: 100 €

Sunday, April 23rd – 10:00 to 18:00 (lunch break included)

Backbends present the deepest challenge to the vulnerabilities of the spine. To avoid weakening or injuring the lower back and neck, the whole body, from feet and hands, must engage to support the spine. This is impossible to learn within the backbends themselves, and requires a whole body vinyasakrama of muscular preparation. This workshop, in two parts, will present a vinyasakrama to prepare the whole body, and mind, for the challenge of backbends, so that they can easily be enjoyed by anyone. Open to anyone, regardless of experience.
Price: 100 €

Monday, April 24th – 9:00 to 12:30
Dynamic Yoga full practice

Vinyasaxikitsa, the core praxis of Dynamic Yoga, awakens, energises and integrates the whole body. A progressive flow of namaskar, standing and balancing poses, backbends, extensions, rotations, forward bends and inversions provides a balanced template for varying your own practice according to your changing needs and capabilities.
Price: 40 €

Price only weekend: 190 €
Price all 4 days: 250 €

Early bird all 4 days: 230 € (reserved before March 15th!)

Registration open, places very limited and going fast !
For more information or for booking
Call: +33 (0)7 82 92 45 97
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