
Dynamic Yoga Retreat in Bali with Louisa Raszyk 16th-21st April 2016

Yoga retreat Bali Flyer Louisa Raszyk 1.0 JPG

Dear students and friends,


I hope this email/post finds you well and enjoying the cosy Parisian winter. I am still in Australia and will be back in Paris this June.


I have just visited the magical island of Bali, researching remote, authentic yoga retreat centres to find the perfect place to offer retreats to my Australian and European students (well, it’s not quite halfway, but it’s the best option I could think of!). I am happy to say that I have found the perfect retreat centre with a wonderful, professional staff, in the secluded north of the island, far from any touristed areas. Tejakula and Singaraja are some of the oldest spiritual centres on the island, and the beautiful deep Balinese spiritual energy is alive and well here. I will be holding the retreat from 16th -21st April, 2016, and if you wish to arrive earlier or stay longer, this can be arranged.


Villa Boreh is a very beautiful and special place that was built 15 years ago specifically to hold yoga retreats. The perfectly kept Balinese bungalow accomodations are woven seamlessly though leafy tropical gardens and small temple spaces, swimming pools and rest areas, cool quiet spa rooms, open air bathrooms nestled in tropical gardens, and all of this right on the ocean’s edge. It really is an exceptional place that has been constructed according to geobiology under the instruction of local priest and shamans using mostly Balinese architecture and materials. It is intimate and traditional, but still quietly and unobtrusively offers all the conveniences of a quality resort.


I propose a six day, five night retreat, offering six meditation, pranayama and asana classes in the mornings, and six late afternoon meditation and restorative, nourishing classes. You will have afternoon time free to simply relax, doze, read a book, do more yoga! Or explore, making the most of optional activities available: onsite spa treatments, visits to waterfalls, temples, the local healer, cultural tours with knowledgable and bilingual guides, scuba diving, sunrise dolphin excursion, etc. I have purposefully chosen a venue that is very remote – there are no distractions, no nearby town and tourist attractions, so that the particiapnts are invited to enjoy the experience of a true yoga retreat.


The first class will be the evening of your arrival, the last will be the morning of your departure. If you don’t know about me, please see the website of my Parisian studio, the Red Earth Centre, which I founded in 2003 www.redearthcentre.com. I am a Senior Dynamic Yoga teacher and shiatsu practitioner with 20 years’ teaching experience. The yoga I teach is based on self-inquiry and uses safe, accessible movements and shapes to allow the mind to soften and merge with a deeper consciousness. In doing so, we naturally become more intimate with life, more open to the present moment, and more present and open to those around us. The classes are appropriate for all people who do not have major injuries, illnesses or disabilities, in which case personal instruction is recommended.


The retreat will cost €1050 (AUS$1600) and this includes:

  • transfers
  • 12 yoga, meditation and postural classes (30 hours)
  • all meals – delicious, healthy and prepared using Villa Boreh’s own organic garden produce
  • beautiful shared accommodation (single accommodation available at an extra cost according to availability)
  • use of the entire grounds including three pools
  • fully serviced rooms with organic onsite spa products provided
  • access to the custom built yoga shala and equipment at any time
  • use of sea kayaks and snorkelling equipment


There are also optional activities which you may choose – onsite spa treatments, tours taking you to waterfalls, temples, the local healer, cultural tours with knowledgable and bilingual guides, scuba diving, sunrise dolphin excursion, etc.


I would love to see you there and to spend time doing yoga in this beautiful place.

Email me redearthcentre@yahoo.com if you are interested and would like to register.


With love


Aujourd’hui c’est la rentrée au Red Earth Centre !

Horaire des cours septembre 2014 – juillet 2015


18:00. Dynamic yoga tous niveaux –  Sergio

19:45. Dynamic yoga tous niveaux –  Sergio


19:30. Hatha Yoga traditionel– Keshar


19:45. Dynamic yoga tous niveaux –  Sergio


12:30. Dynamic yoga tous niveaux –  Sergio

19:30. Hatha Yoga – Aloys


9:30. Dynamic yoga tous niveaux –  Sergio

18:00. Dynamic yoga reconstituant –  Sergio

19:45. Zazen Meditation – Amy


10:30am. Dynamic yoga all levels –  Sergio

Découvrez aussi les ateliers!

Téléphonez 09 50 31 57 25 ou éevrivez redearthcentre@gmail.com pour le code!

– See more at: https://www.redearthcentre.com/eng/#sthash.048mbSWU.dpuf

Red Earth Centre welcomes Sergio Iglesias

colin driving

Hello all,

So here we are again at the end of the year – it went by so fast! I wanted to share some news of the centre before the big August break.

The BIG news, as most of you already know, is that I will be leaving Paris in September to spend some time with my family in Australia. I will continue whilst there the exciting project of translating Godfrey Devereux’s interpretation of the Yoga Sutras with my partner Benoit (soon to be published by Synchronique Editions).
Since there are no other Dynamic Yoga teachers in Paris, I am bringing an excellent Dynamic Yoga teacher from Switzerland to take care of you in that wonderful Dynamic Yoga way! Sergio Iglesias (www.yogabasliea.ch) will start classes in the rentrée from the 8th of September. He is a longterm, experienced practitioner and teacher, and he will maintain the present schedule, adding an extra class – Wednesdays 19H30.
I will still be here in September for a few weeks, and I am organising an Open Day on Sunday 14th September, where you can come and take a class with Sergio, and say hello!
My last class will be tomorrow, Monday 28th July 19H45. The centre will be closed, as every year, during the month of August.
The centre will reopen on Monday 8th September at 18H, with Sergio’s first class of the rentrée.
I hope to see you soon – either at my classes in the coming days, or at the Open Day September 14th.

Have a great summer!


Formation d’Instructeurs de Yoga pour Adolescents au Red Earth Centre

Je suis heureuse d’annoncer le premier formation d’instructeurs de yoga pour adolescents à Paris.

Ce stage unique vise à développer la pratique du yoga dans les écoles et à communiquer les valeurs et bienfaits du yoga à une tranche d’âge spécifique et fascinante : les ados.

du 20 au 24 octobre 2014obre 2014


Red Earth Centre 235 Rue la Fayette 75010 Paris

Stage intensif de 5 jours – certifié par Yoga Alliance

Le stage est ouvert aux:

  • –  Professeurs de Yoga
  • –  Professeurs d’EPS
  • –  Assistants sociaux et éducateurs
  • –  Toute personne qui pratique le yoga et travaille,
    ou souhaite travailler avec les adolescents.

    This course will cover:

    • physical development
    • mental development (neuroscience)
    • psychological development and theories of adolescence
    • behavioural management
    • mindfulness techniques
    • how to structure a 10, 20, 30 or 60 minute class
    • how to introduce philosophical discourse involving yoga philosophy
    • how to introduce meditation
    • how to teach pranayama and asana
  • Stage bilingue (Français / Anglais)
    Pour plus d’informations ou pour vous inscrire,
    veuillez contacter:
    Sophie : 0619714239 – sophiedemacon@hotmail.com
    Charlotta : +44 1761 470658 – charlottayogi@me.com
  • Charlotta is a Yoga Therapist for the NHS in the UK, a secondary school teacher, and a yoga teacher for the last 10 years. She runs her own yoga and retreat centre and devised and teaches the course since 2004. In the past she also worked at the BBC as a TV producer and now is a regular contributor to the UK yoga Om Magazine.
  • Charlotta_Martinus-183x138

Room To Read au Red Earth Centre

Un grand merci à tous ayant participé à la journée Room To Read au Red Earth Centre le samedi 7 juin. Nous avons récolté 135€ pour  ce merveilleux projet qui soutient l’eduaction des filles en Asie et en Afrique (www.roomtoread.org). Avec 135€ on peut presque payer les frais d’une année de scolarité pour une fille, donc bravo!


Le Pont de l’Ascension

Bonjour à tous,

Happy summer days!

Un petit mot pour vous communiquer le planning au centre pour ce weekend:

Je donne le cours le samedi lè juin à 10H30 (tous les revenues pour la fondation Room To Read) ET

le lundi soir 9 juin je donne cours à 19H45 (merci de noter qu’il y a pas de cours cette semaine à 18H)

A très bientôt



Red Earth Centre a 10 Ans!

DSC03572Bonjour à toutes et à tous ,

Cela fait 10 ans ce printemps que le Red Earth Centre a ouvert ses portes, et je pense que ça mérite d’être FÊTÉ     !!

Donc, afin de célébrer cet événement comme il se doit, je vous invite tous à me rejoindre le samedi 24 mai entre 16H et 19H pour un thé / apéritif “style Red Earth Centre”. C’est à dire : venez avec ou sans quelque chose à boire/grignoter, venez avec vos enfants, vos amis, vos mamies et papis, vos familles, vos chiens, vos chats et profitez de ce moment ensemble, ça fait quelque temps qu’un tel événement n’a pas eu lieu au centre. Merci de m’envoyer dès que possible un petit mot pour me dire si vous serez là afin que je puisse préparer au mieux pour vous accueillir !

Le centre restera ouvert pendant tous les ponts du mois de mai, et j’assurerai mes cours tous les jeudi midi fériés. Donc, venez et profitez du yoga sur votre journée off ! Miranda me remplacera le vendredi 2 mai et le samedi 3 mai, et Dinusha me remplacera le samedi 10 mai.

Je suis ravie d’annoncer que le Red Earth Centre participera cette année au formidable projet Room To Read. Les revenus de mon cours du samedi matin 7 juin seront entièrement reversés à ce merveilleux projet qui soutien l’éducation des filles en Asie et en Afrique (www.roomtoread.org)). Savez-vous que cela coûte seulement 181€ pour éduquer une fille pendant un an avec le programme Room To Read ? Alors venez au cours le samedi 7 juin !

En réponse à vos nombreuses demandes, Kids Yoga est de retour au centre ! Sharon Bales donnera un cours de yoga Kidding Around pour enfants au centre les jeudi de 17H à 18H (sauf fériés) jusqu’à la fin de l’année scolaire. Contactez Sharon Bales pour plus d’info et pour réserver : sharon@yogabijaparis.com  tel.

Et pour finir, un aperçu de la rentrée – c’est un peu tôt mais c’est un programme très intéressant – au mois d’octobre Teen Yoga Training (le premier à Paris !) avec le programme très engagé www.teenyoga.co.uk
So with all this activity at the centre, I hope to see you soon. Enjoy the spring !



Kids’ Yoga au Red Earth Centre



Kids’ yoga classes are back at the Red Earth Centre!

Sharon teaches traditional Integral yoga poses to children and helps them practice them through songs, games and stories.   The children learn about meditation and how to use it to calm their minds using age-appropriate meditation techniques.  The stories that Sharon uses in her classes teach the children about honesty, respect, courage, friendship and anger management.  Many of the activities are very high energy, but there is always time in her classes for quiet reflection and relaxation.

Thursdays 5pm – 6pm May 15th, 22nd; June 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th. Ages 5 – 10

120€ / six sessions

Contact Sharon Bales for further information and registration:sharon@yogabijaparis.com06.

To learn more about KAY, have a look at the main website:  www.kiddingaroundyoga.com
>>To learn more about Sharon:  www.yogabijaparis.com


Les cours continuent pendant les ponts de mois de mai.

Bonjour à tous!

Un petit mot pour vous dire que mes cours continuent pendant le mois de mai, je serai remplaçée de temps en temps par Miranda ou Dinusha. Voici le planning :

Jeudi 1 mai midi : Louisa

vendredi 2 mai 9H30 : Louisa

Samedi 3 mai 10H30 : Miranda

Jeudi 8 mai midi : Louisa

vendredi 9 mai 9H30 : Louisa

samedi 10 mai 10H30 : Dinusha

jeudi 29 mai midi : Louisa

vendredi 30 mai 9H30 : Louisa

samedi 31 mai 10H30 : Louisa

A bientot au centre!

Class Schedule for Easter holidays

Hi Everyone!

The centre will be open as usual through the Easter school holidays (April 14th – April 27th 2014) with just a few changes:

Monday 14th April 18H NO CLASS;  19H45 Dynamic Yoga Method with Louisa

Thursday 17th April 12noon Dynamic Yoga Method with Louisa

Friday 18th April 9H30 Dynamic Yoga Method with Louisa

Saturday 19th April 10H30 Dynamic Yoga Method with Louisa

Monday 21st April 18H NO CLASS; 19H45 Hatha Yoga with Dinusha (replacing Louisa)

Thursday 24th April 12noon Hatha Yoga with Dinusha (replacing Louisa)

Friday 25th April 9H30 Vinyasa Yoga with Miranda (replacing Louisa)

Saturday 26th April 10H30 Vinyasa Yoga with Miranda (replacing Louisa).

Have a wonderful Easter and stay tuned for upcoming events at the centre!


Laissez votre adresse e-mail ici, et vous recevrez un fichier PDF mes 10 astuces bien-être à Paris. Votre adresse e-mail ne sera pas partagé, et ceci n’est pas une inscription au blog (cliquez sur « subscription » pour ça !).

