The lost art of meditation- Godfrey Devereux – décembre 2017

DECEMBER 1-4 2017

Friday, December 1st free talk: WHAT IS MEDITATION, REALLY?
This talk will explore the differences between relaxation, autohypnosis, trance and meditation. This exploration will include not only the different ways they are accessed but the different effects that they have.
Price: Free (RSVP)

Saturday, December 2nd. SOMATIC MEDITATION 10.30-18.30
Based directly on the sensations that it is generating Somatic Meditation uses the intelligence of the body to access the nourishing presence of consciousness. By-passing entirely the evasive instability of mind Somatic Meditation requires no regulation, effort, intention nor control of any kind. It directly accesses your ability to feel rather than your ability to think. This makes Somatic Meditation both a forgiving and potent practice within which the three frequencies of human intelligence, cognitive, somatic and spiritual, effortlessly integrate.
Price: 90 €

Saturday, December 3rd. TANTRIC MEDITATION 10.30-18.30
Tantric Meditation is a safe and powerful way to access the pleasure nature of consciousness to calm and clarify the mind. Both alone and with a partner you will be given precise but simple guidance in using the sensations being generated by your body to access its pleasure nature as a condensation of consciousness. There will be neither nakedness nor sexual activity during this workshop.
Price: 90 €

Monday, December 4th. ADVANCED TANTRIC MEDITATION 9.00-12.30
Sitting clothed with a partner you will be guided in using the power of open gazing and subtle touch to dissolve habituated inhibitions, anxieties and barriers.
These sessions use the intensification of pleasure provided by the open presence of another not only to nourish and heal but to recalibrate your assumptions about individuality and intimacy. There will be neither nakedness nor sexual activity during this workshop.
Price: 40 € (only possible to take this session if you have previously practised Tantric Meditation with Godfrey)


All 4 days: 200 €
Only Saturday and Sunday 170 €
Only Sunday and Monday: 120 €



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